Your brain drives your candy cravings

Your brain drives your candy cravings

Your brain drives your candy cravings

Experts from Italy have found out why the consumption of sweets, and even just the sight of it, is delightful for some. And the rest do not care at all. And as a result, we got the following answer: dependence on sweets is determined by the work of the brain… Its structure can leave a person indifferent to cakes and sweets. Or be drawn into addictions like nicotine and alcohol.

Gathering people who have different attitudes to confectionery, scientists from Pisa conducted an experiment. In the course of it, they gave the respondents chocolate – first in its pure form, and then showed the product to them in the picture. At the same time, doctors monitored the brain’s reaction to the product. And here’s what we found out: for some, the pleasure center was activated only at the sight of chocolate… For others, he remained at rest.

And this means that, doctors are sure, the love of confectionery depends on the peculiarities of the construction of the brain. Some people will love pastries, sweets and cakes all their lives, and they will never be able to defeat their addiction. Others will remain indifferent. And excess weight does not threaten them from eating sweets.

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