Neighborhood etiquette is something that should not be forgotten when moving to a new house. And it’s not about friendly gatherings and gifts for the holidays, but about observing the regime of silence. It was enough for lovers from Australia to make a mistake once to get a “black mark”.
A couple living in New South Wales (Australia) received a long and extremely detailed letter containing claims from sleep-deprived residents of a nearby apartment.
The note to the noisy neighbors is very specific about where the troublemakers live (“at the back of the house, right above the laundry room and close to the parking lot”). This means that it will not be possible to transfer the arrows to others. What is the fault of the recipients? In fact, in poor soundproofing.
Not forgetting to mention that on other days, the new settlers make a lot of noise – “talk loudly and turn on the music,” the authors pointed to the excessively noisy sex life of the neighbors.
They were not stingy with describing their impressions: for example, at 00:30, “burning with shame”, they woke up not because of a nightmare, as they initially thought, but because of loud moans and a roar behind the wall. After someone else’s “sex marathon”, the neighbors also failed to fall asleep: the chatter that followed the passionate sounds lasted until early morning. Gentle ears of neighbors caught absolutely every word.
In addition to the fact that the new tenants disturb the peace of the night and do not allow others to sleep, there are two more problems, the authors of the message note. Firstly, all this is disrespectful towards people who have children, and they get psychological trauma because of indiscreet sounds. Secondly, the indiscretion of neighbors unnerves sex and porn addicts who live nearby and are on their way to recovery.
Most likely, the matter is not even so much in the neighbors, but in the features of their apartment: this is, as it were, hinted at by the paragraph in which the authors of the letter recall past tenants. So, the fact that if you do not close the door to the bedroom, then everything that happens in the bathroom will be visible to people from the street, they learned from personal experience, which pretty confused them.
The text itself was probably printed on emotions and immediately after the events. There was a lot of exclamation marks, and capslock, and repetitions: “Please, please, please close the windows when you have sex, because it’s not sexy at all.”
But if it seemed to you that this was just an awkward and funny situation, and the neighbors were not so serious, then no. They promised to “glorify” the noisy residents by writing about their behavior with a specific address in a local Facebook group if the incident happens again.
Many of us have received such chain letters, but perhaps few of us can boast of having managed to embarrass the anonymous sexaholics living in the neighborhood. On the other hand, the intimate life of neighbors is really sometimes very annoying. What to do? Apparently, it remains to negotiate, fork out for soundproofing … And hone your epistolary skills, of course.