Young Samara residents can become participants in the popular reality show Masterchef Children: casting

This winter, the premiere of a hot culinary battle took place, and now the channel is looking for new participants. And young Samara chefs can fight for the title of Master Chef! We remind you that the winner of the show and the owner of the main prize – a two-week training in a culinary studio in Singapore – was 13-year-old Lesha Starostin from Balashikha.

To participate in the new casting, the creators of the show invite young chefs aged 9 to 13 who know how to cook deliciously, love to do it, and most importantly, want to demonstrate their talents in front of TV viewers and an authoritative jury. The casting will take place on 23 July. You can find out the selection conditions and fill out a preliminary questionnaire on the page Help by phone 373-00-73 (112).

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