Young green barley – composition, healing properties

Barley is one of the oldest cultivated cereals in the world, originating from the Middle East. It has been a staple food in many countries since ancient times, and its use in the production of beer was also appreciated. Today, this popular grain, grown all over the world, is used primarily for the production of groats, beer and whiskey. In recent times, its popularity has also increased thanks to the dissemination of its juvenile form as a dietary measure and dietary supplement.

What exactly is young green barley?

True Young green barley these are very young leaves barley not older than 7 days. They are sold in the form of a powder made of dried juice. A good quality product is made from barley genetically unmodified, dried at a low temperature, without any additives, under pressure, thanks to which the drying process, despite the low temperature, takes a very short time, which allows to retain most of the valuable nutrients and medicinal substances. Due to its value Young green barley it is also called the food of gladiators (apparently it was he who gave them strength), green milk, and even green blood. In a word – the food of life. Currently, we can buy it not only in the form of a powder, used to make green cocktails, but also in the form of tablets and capsules.

The chemical composition of young green barley

Young green barley good quality is a real nutritional bomb. It contains as much as 45% of protein rich in various amino acids, plenty of vitamins (provitamin A, B vitamins, including folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid, vitamins C, E and K), minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc , selenium, phosphorus, bromine, chromium, copper, iodine, sodium, sulfur, manganese), as well as chlorophyll, 2-O-glycosylsovitexin (GIV), dismutase suboxides (SOD) and many other valuable substances. The chemical composition alone shows that this cereal has an above-average value.

Healing properties of young green barley

Above all, Young green barley has very strong antioxidant (antioxidant) properties – it scavenges free radicals, thus preventing cell aging, damage to their DNA, cancer and inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases (including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s) and autoimmune diseases. This healing effect is mainly ensured by the enzymes SOD and GIV – the latter is up to 500 times stronger than vitamin E, known as the vitamin of youth, also present in young green barley.

Drinking green smoothies with young green barley not only rejuvenates and protects, but also detoxifies the body, which in turn supports the regeneration of internal organs, treatment of skin diseases, rheumatic diseases and allergies. However, it also carries some risks side effects – the release of toxins from the organs into the blood and cleansing the body during the treatment young green barley may be associated with symptoms such as headache, gas, bruising, nausea and vomiting, which usually disappear over time.

Z young green barley should become friends with diabetes and people with cardiovascular diseases. It lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

The latest research also shows that extracts from young green barley support the fight against depression by increasing the level of serotonin.

It also supports the treatment of stomach ulcers, constipation and other diseases of the digestive system.

As a dietary supplement Young green barley it is also a sensation among amateurs of a beautiful figure. It supports the metabolism and thus Weight Management .

In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, the antiviral and antibacterial effects of the extracts of this cereal were also observed. It is worth keeping this in mind and properly supporting yourself in the treatment of various types of infections and viral diseases.

Not to mention amazing properties nutrients of this plant – as already mentioned, this vitamin and mineral bomb – supports convalescence after all diseases, malnutrition and fatigue, treatment of anemia and avitaminosis (diseases resulting from too low vitamin levels). This should also be borne in mind by future mothers who want to properly prepare their body for pregnancy – let’s not forget that Young green barley it is an excellent source of easily digestible folic acid. In addition, vitamins and minerals have an excellent effect on the beauty from the inside – the condition of the skin, hair, nails – and this is probably the final argument that will convince everyone of the wonderful nutritional properties of this plant.

To sum up – Young green barley it is a great dietary supplement for health, figure and beauty, well-being and freeing our body from toxins and free radicals and their pathogenic effects. This is of particular importance in preventive health care in today’s so polluted world. Let’s use the wisdom of the ancients and include in our daily menu the green blood that once strengthened gladiators, and today will allow us to maintain youth, vitality and health, because it is really worth it.

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