Fresh green arrows and cloves of young garlic that appear on the beds in mid-May are a delicacy that is as short-lived as it is attractive. Don’t miss your chance to enjoy them.
In the Russian village, young garlic, which appears on the beds before other spring vegetables, has always been considered the best remedy for beriberi. In fact, its crisp green arrows and snow-white cloves, which have not yet had time to acquire a sharp garlic taste and smell, abound in the very vitamins and microelements, from the lack of which our body suffered the most during the winter. However, those who consider young garlic a sign of exclusively rural cuisine will be mistaken: Catherine the Great wrote about her love for this “common” delicacy, and at the courts of the French monarchs of the XNUMXth century, the gardener, who was the first in the season to deliver fresh garlic heads to the royal table, received a generous reward. . The age of young garlic is very short: already two weeks after the appearance of the head, they begin to become covered with a rough peel, and the greens lose their tenderness. That is why those wishing to try this spring delicacy should not waste time.
seven clothes
Traditional medicine ascribes to the shells surrounding each garlic clove (according to legend, there are always exactly seven of them) the ability to heal seven diseases. Like it or not, it is not known, however, for culinary purposes, these films are truly indispensable. Sliced into thin strips and added to a salad, sauce, or scrambled eggs, they add a subtle, subtle garlic flavor to any dish without the slightest touch of bitterness or spiciness. And do not forget that the sooner you peel the cloves of these translucent skins, the longer you can keep the garlic intact – when peeled, the slices can be stored for up to three days without losing their freshness.
green feather
Juicy arrows of garlic – the quintessence of spring freshness. Alas, the life of cut arrows is very short: after a few hours, their edges turn yellow, and they themselves lose their aroma and pleasant crunchiness. The best way to keep garlic sprouts for a long time is to salt them. Finely chopped greens (for this purpose, you can use a combine) and mixing it with coarse salt in a one-to-one ratio, spread the resulting emerald mass into pre-sterilized jars. This fragrant seasoning will remind you of the spring sun until next year and serve as a great addition to meat, soups or sauces.
milky ripeness
Young, milky ripe garlic has a much less coarse and intense taste than its more mature counterpart, and, unlike it, does not leave an unpleasant odor behind. However, if spiciness still scares you, young garlic cloves can be baked – this way you keep their fresh original taste, but completely get rid of their inherent sharpness and specific aroma. To do this, peel the garlic from the top scales and, cutting off the bottom of the garlic head, wrap it in foil. Bake the resulting bundle in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Spread on crispy toast soaked in olive oil, baked garlic pulp will become an exquisite delicacy that can decorate both a modest family breakfast and a festive buffet.
Prepare for the future
Young garlic with spicesFor 6 servings. Cooking time: 30 minutes.
- 30 cloves of young garlic with skin
- 250 ml extra virgin olive oil
- 100 ml grape seed oil
- 2 chili peppers
- 2 pcs. carnations
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 sprig of fresh rosemary
- 3 pinches fine sea salt
- 1 teaspoon of a mixture of different peppers (peas)
Wash and dry the capsicum, rosemary and bay leaf. From several garlic heads, select the largest cloves. Without removing the skin, put them in a saucepan, sprinkle with salt, add chili peppers and cloves, as well as bay leaves, peppercorns and rosemary. Pour the garlic and spices with a mixture of two oils (the oil should cover them a little). Cook over low heat for 15 minutes – the oil should not boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat, cool, and then transfer its contents to a jar, close it and refrigerate. Take the garlic cloves out of the jar as needed and serve warm over grilled or stewed meats, fish, or vegetable stews. In addition, harvested garlic can be used to decorate pizza, as well as a topping for baked bread. A flavored oil is perfect for frying meat, fish and vegetables.
enjoy now
Spaghetti with fried garlicFor 4 servings. Cooking time: 35 minutes.
- 4 heads of young garlic
- 350 grams of thin spaghetti
- 1 tablespoon parsley, chopped
- 4 pod of chili pepper
- 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- coarse sea salt
- fine sea salt
- freshly ground black pepper
Peel the garlic from the top peel and disassemble the heads into cloves, without peeling off the thin lower skin (its excess must be finely chopped). Do not throw away the green arrows – cut them into 3 cm pieces. Heat the oil in a thick-walled saucepan, add the garlic cloves, pieces of thin top skin and greens. Add capsicum, salt and pepper. Saute all ingredients for 10 minutes, then sprinkle with parsley and stir to combine.
Boil spaghetti in boiling water with coarse salt. Two minutes before the garlic is ready, drain the pasta in a colander and, using two forks, transfer it to the garlic pan for another 10 minutes. Toss the spaghetti to fry in the oil and soak in the garlic sauce. Serve them warm, but not too hot.