Young barley – values ​​and properties. How to use young barley?

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Young barley has become one of the most popular slimming aids in recent years. Many people believe that it was the preparations containing young barley – tablets, capsules or powder – that helped them lose extra kilos. It is worth knowing, however, that slimming is not the only area in which young barley can help. How to use this drug and who should be particularly interested in it?

Young barley – what is it and how is it obtained?

The fashion for all kinds of “superfoods” – which can be translated into Polish as “superfood” – made many of us reach for numerous exotic products with beneficial properties for health. It turns out, however, that we have one of these “superfoods” at our fingertips – for a long, long time.

Young barley, because that’s what we’re talking about, is nothing else than young, green shoots of common barley (Latin Hordeum vulgare L.), a popular grain known since antiquity. Common barley, as an annual plant, is sown in spring or autumn. Due to the fact that it copes relatively well with unfavorable climate changes, barley is grown in many countries – also where it is impossible to grow other, more sensitive to weather conditions, cereals.

Growing barley is primarily aimed at obtaining grain. Interestingly, only 5% of the barley harvest goes to the food industry – mainly for the production of groats, flakes and whole grain products. What is happening anyway? Almost 75% of the crop is used as animal feed and 20% is used in the production of beer and other beverages. However, the real wealth, until recently underestimated, is hidden in young barley.

Unripe, young barley is rich in vitamins, minerals and other valuable nutrients. How is young barley harvested and processed? Tablets and other drugs based on it are produced in two ways:

  1. Made from powdered barley juice. Young barley is then pressed to obtain juice, which is then subjected to a drying process (water is evaporated from it at low temperature and under high pressure). Thanks to this method, all health-promoting properties of green barley are preserved. You can also sometimes meet in health food stores ready barley to drink – this is the barley juice.
  2. Made of shredded barley grass. The young barley is dried for a long time at a high temperature and then turned into a powder. During this process, some nutrients oxidize and their properties are impaired. Grass powder is high in fiber. You can buy BIO barley grass in powder at Medonet Market.

Young barley has antioxidant properties, which means that it protects the body against the harmful effects of free radicals. It is also part of preparations that accelerate fat burning and suppress the appetite. Try, for example, the mix for cocktails Fit torpeda by Herbapol in Krakow.

Young barley – nutritional values

Young barley is a real vitamin bomb. The inconspicuous, immature shoots of this plant contain a lot of valuable nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body, such as:

  1. B vitamins (mainly folic acid);
  2. vitamin C;
  3. Vitamin E;
  4. vitamin K;
  5. beta-carotene (provitamin A);
  6. iron;
  7. calcium;
  8. zinc;
  9. magnesium;
  10. eat;
  11. silicon;
  12. potassium;
  13. selenium;
  14. amino acids;
  15. dietary fiber.

A particularly valuable substance contained in green barley is chlorophyll, which has a strong antioxidant effect. It is responsible for the characteristic, lush green color of young barley and has many beneficial properties, such as:

  1. anti-radical effect;
  2. supporting the immune system;
  3. faster wound healing;
  4. support in the treatment of anemia;
  5. strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

At Medonet Market you can buy Young Green Barley Liquid Extract, which is available in a 500ml bottle.

Do you know that…

Young barley contains more beta-carotene than carrots, the best known source of this antioxidant. Thanks to this, it supports the production of vitamin A in the body, positively influencing, among others, on our eyesight, skin or nails.

  1. Learn more about beta carotene and its effects on the body

Young barley for weight loss

Young barley is characterized by a very high content of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this, the preparations containing young green barley available on the market – tablets, powder or capsules – enjoy the opinion of an effective natural slimming agent. Is it really worth reaching for young barley for weight loss?

Of course! The soluble dietary fiber contained in it provides a feeling of satiety for a long time, while delaying the emptying of the stomach, so that you do not feel the physical need to snack. In turn, insoluble fiber effectively stimulates intestinal peristalsis, which prevents constipation and supports digestion. RDA experts have found that people who consumed young barley while losing weight lost 8 percent. more than people who are on the same diet without barley preparations.

It is worth remembering, however, that young barley is intended to support efforts to lose weight rather than replace them. Without a healthy, balanced diet tailored to your individual needs and without regular physical activity, it will be difficult to lose weight even with green barley.

  1. Check how to lose weight wisely and what a slimming diet should be like.

Young barley – pro-health properties

In what other situations is it worth reaching for young barley? Experts’ opinions indicate the wide possibilities of using this ingredient. Young barley can help in the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of problems and diseases, such as:

  1. Skin problems. As a rich source of selenium young barley has a beneficial effect on the condition of our skin. It reduces the tension and reduces the signs of skin fatigue. Importantly, it also protects the skin against negative external factors, such as smog, UV radiation or low temperature. Due to the presence of antioxidants, such as beta-carotene or vitamin E, young barley slows down the aging process of the skin. It also turns out to be helpful in treatment juvenile acne and ulcers.
  2. Reduced immunity. Thanks to the high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants young barley helps to fight various inflammations (e.g. with arthritis and related pain) and infections of various origins. These precious substances stimulate the production of immune cells in the body (primarily leukocytes, i.e. white blood cells). This affects faster healing of wounds and more effective regeneration of the body in states of weakness.
  3. Excessive amount of toxins in the body. Young barley has a detoxifying effect – the chlorophyll and beta-carotene present in it help remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body. Green barley also supports the work of the liverby supporting metabolism.
  4. Acidification of the body. The acid-base economy is often disrupted due to the large amounts of processed food we consume. Symptoms such as sleep problems and chronic fatigue may indicate this. A proper diet enriched with young barley can help restore the body’s pH balance and eliminate unpleasant ailments.
  5. Digestive system problems. The high content of dietary fiber makes it young barley supports intestinal peristalsispreventing constipation and diarrhea problems. It also soothes stomach aches and aids digestion. It is also recommended in the prevention of colon cancer.
  6. Cardiovascular disease. It has been proven that young barley reduces blood cholesterol levels. As a result, it can be an effective aid in the prevention and treatment of heart and circulatory system diseases (including hypercholesterolaemia or hypertension), as well as diabetes.

How to use young barley?

Currently, there are numerous preparations on the market that contain young green barley – tablets, capsules, powder or barley juice. They are usually used orally, although barley powder can also be used, for example, to prepare masks or compresses for external use. When using products using young barley, always carefully follow the information contained in the leaflet. It is also worth consulting a doctor or pharmacist before using such a product.

Tablets containing green barley are usually taken twice a day, about 30 minutes before a meal – then they work most effectively. When it comes to barley powder, there are at least a few options. Barley to drink you can prepare in the following ways:

  1. A simple water-based barley drink. Dissolve a tablespoon of the powder in a glass of lukewarm water (not too cold and not too hot – otherwise young barley will lose its properties). You can combine the ingredients in a shaker or blender, or simply mix vigorously with a spoon.
  2. Sweet fruit cocktail with barley. If you do not like the expressive, characteristic taste of young barley, combine it with sweet fruit – add banana, mango or strawberries to the basic drink recipe and blend them thoroughly in a blender. You can throw in a teaspoon of honey.
  3. Milky barley drink. You can also prepare a tasty cocktail based on plant-based milk, e.g. almond, oat or rice milk. Add a tablespoon of barley powder and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of milk drink. Such a drink not only tastes delicious, but also attracts the eye with its appetizing, juicy color.

Powdered young barley can also be added to juices, smoothies and fruit and vegetable smoothies. It is worth remembering that it will have the most health properties right after dissolving – so it is best to drink such a drink immediately after its preparation. The powder can also be added to yoghurts, oatmeal, cottage cheese or salads and salads.

  1. Check out other recipes for healthy green smoothies made of fruit and vegetables.
Do you know that…

Homemade face masks can be prepared on the basis of powdered young barley. Just mix a tablespoon of barley powder with 1-2 tablespoons of water and a pinch of honey. Such a mixture should be applied to the cleansed skin of the face for about 15 minutes, and then washed off with lukewarm water. Such a mask smoothes and cleanses the face, restoring its radiant appearance.

Young barley – contraindications

However, not everyone can benefit from the beneficial properties of young barley. Contraindications to its use occur primarily in allergy sufferers and people with food intolerances. Though young barley juice it does not contain gluten, it sometimes becomes contaminated with it in the production process. Therefore, in the case of celiac disease or other food allergies, it is worth paying special attention to the product label when shopping. The packaging always indicates the possible content and specific potential allergens in trace amounts.

In what other situations should you watch out for young barley? Side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, and stomach aches may appear in people with a sensitive stomach. This is due to the high fiber content, which is especially abundant in ground barley grass powder (powder made of dried barley juice may be milder in this respect). When such symptoms occur, it is best to reduce the dose of the preparation taken, and if the symptoms persist, discontinue young barley and consult your family doctor.

Above all, it should be remembered that preparations containing young barley constitute a dietary supplement and are not a substitute for a healthy, varied diet or prescribed by medical professionals. They can be helpful if used properly and as directed.

At Medonet Market you can buy Pro Natura Barley Flakes, which you will find in packs of 400 g.

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