Young barley preparations – is it worth investing? – Dietetics – Articles |

However, we will not find out from most articles posted on websites. They are simply sponsored texts in which the product is always described in superlatives. The greater the popularity, the more scammers appear who prey on the popularity and good opinion of the product. What is the truth about young barley? We analyze all the revelations spread about him:

How is it done?

The extract, which is so loud recently, is obtained after squeezing and drying the juice of young barley. The temperature of about 30 degrees Celsius is used for drying. Why so low? Of course, to keep as many vitamins and enzymes as possible, which are very sensitive to the effects of higher temperatures. In shops and pharmacies, we can buy powdered barley, which should be dissolved in water or juice, and young barley in tablets. On the packages of these products, there is precise information on how much of it can be consumed per day. What can be said about this product, which has been popular in recent months? 

It contains lots of vitamins and minerals

Yes, it is true, it cannot be denied. Young barley is a real treasury of vitamins and minerals. They are needed by the growing plant. Especially worth mentioning are: vitamin C – 457 mg, pyridoxine – 17,8 mg, vitamin E – 7,4 mg, potassium – 68,3 mg, calcium – 5,48 mg, magnesium – 3,96 mg. I give the amount of ingredients for the young barley powder. This amount of vitamins and minerals perfectly nourishes and strengthens the body. It can also help make up for deficiencies.

It contains chlorophyll

This is a huge advantage. Producers state that the content of chlorophyll is about 300 mg in 100 g of powdered product. Chlorophyll is called plant blood. Indeed, its structure is similar to the heme. It consists of pyrrole rings that form a porphyrin system with magnesium located in the center. Its action is invaluable – it stimulates the immune system, normalizes blood pressure, reduces unpleasant smell from the mouth, unpleasant body odor, cleanses the body of toxins, reduces the risk of cancer, disinfects the liver, and helps fight anemia.

They contain enzymes

Young barley contains several dozen enzymes, including superoxide dismutase, which eliminates free radicals that destroy our body. It has a higher activity than many valued antioxidants, e.g. vitamin E. 

They have a lot of protein

For a plant product, in fact, young barley contains an impressive amount of it – 30-40 g. However, it should be remembered that vegetable protein is less digestible than animal protein. In addition, these are not unique values, because 100 g of sprouts that we can produce ourselves at low cost (seeds, sprouting) contain 40% of protein. 

Young barley and slimming

It was almost certain that the links between young barley and weight loss would begin. And there is indeed a grain of truth in that. In addition to being a vitamin and mineral bomb, it also contains a lot of dietary fiber, which swells in the stomach and makes you feel full.

Green Smoothies

Young barley preparations are quite expensive. You have to consider whether it is better to regularly add sprouts or so-called Green Smoothies to your meals – green cocktails prepared by mixing 60%. fresh or frozen fruit and 40 percent. green leafy vegetables. They can be attributed most of the positives that are mentioned in the case of young barley, and their availability is definitely greater. Of course, if only someone can afford, he can successfully add young barley to cocktails, soups (cooled down!), Yoghurts, juices. It is certainly a valuable product, but as usual, it is not as ‘irreplaceable’ as the producers present it.

The title photo is from: kc7fys / Foter / CC BY-SA

Photo 1 of the text is from: jdavis / Foter / CC BY-ND

Photo 2 of the text comes from: Joanna Slodownik / Foter / CC BY

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