“Young at heart”: 8 secrets of eternal youth

We care about the condition of the skin and maintain the youthfulness of the body in all possible ways. And at the same time, we often forget that taking care of the youth of the spirit is no less important. A face without a single wrinkle does not go well with a dull and old soul. Physical aging is a natural process, spiritual aging is a matter of choice. What do you choose?

1. Watch your mood. Keep your interest in life, smile more often, be friendly to people regardless of their age. Communicate in such a way that grief, the burden of past years and a busy work schedule are not read by facial expressions. Once you start, you are unlikely to be able to stop, and a positive attitude will take over the brain. And then you will no longer have to portray joy, it will be sincere.

2. Act out of age. Sometimes fooling around and acting like a child is normal and even beneficial not only for you, but also for those around you. Thanks to you, they will also feel younger, and maybe even join your “kindergarten” antics.

3. Try new things. Clever gadgets, acid-colored bangs sprays, butterfly-rimmed glasses… think you’re too old and serious for that? Well, maybe it is, but this is no reason to deprive yourself of positive emotions from the new and funny. By the way, it might be useful. But to find out, you have to try.

4. Rest. Stop complaining that you don’t have time or energy for anything. If there is enough energy for complaints, then there will be enough for a walk, or for fishing, or for a trip with children, or even grandchildren, to a shooting range or to a skating rink. It is possible without children: how long have you been riding a Ferris wheel alone? Or eating cotton candy with someone in half? The essence of small entertainment is that they give more energy than you spend on them. And you stay in the black, also with a great mood.

5. Get rid of stress. Easier said than done, but worth a try. Do you know what contributes to aging? Stress. He ages his face with the help of his faithful assistants – wrinkles and bruises under the eyes. Meditation, healthy sleep, therapy can help in the fight against stress. Anything that lifts your mood makes you more stress-resistant.

6. Look for your “high.” No, it’s not about drugs. It’s about pure, rich emotions. Remember the last time you experienced an unprecedented uplift of spirit? What will help you experience it again? A trip along the seashore on a motorcycle, a bungee jump into the water? Love? Find something that will make you feel life in every cell of your body.

7. Have no regrets. Don’t wait for the right opportunity or opportunity. Take action. Have you ever wanted to buy a multifunctional food processor? Buy it right now. For a hundred years you have dreamed of trying strange living and moving food in a restaurant, go for it! Do you want to learn a new language? Teach! Don’t put off desires, even those that seem silly, to an indefinite future if you can make them come true today.

8. Be healthy. If you take care of your physical condition, the body will remain strong and alert longer. And it will affect the state of mind. Brew delicious green tea, drink more water, eat greens and fruits. Go in for sports, be outdoors more often. These banal tips work, and this is not only good for physical health. No wonder they say that a healthy mind in a healthy body, right?

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