You will not believe: why in Europe they do ultrasound for chicken eggs

The advertisement assures that the happiest cows in the world live in Germany. Let’s add: not only cows, but also chickens. But the roosters were less fortunate.

The Animal Protection Act, passed in Germany back in 1972, states that no one has the right to inflict pain, suffering or harm on an animal without a valid reason. And the law is strictly observed, if someone is caught cruelly treating our smaller brothers, they are punished cruelly. But then it occurred to the animal defenders that the country did not care about the feelings of … chickens at all.

The fact is that year after year in Germany, they massively get rid of male chickens. And the “valid” reason for such “gender disadvantage” is none other than economic gain. Males do not lay eggs; they are also unable to grow juicy legs in a short time. So why are they needed at all? To feed them is only to spend money. But now the life of the cockerels will change.

Recently, the Minister of Agriculture of Germany presented a new bill, which is designed to make an ethical revolution in the entire meat processing industry. In Germany, they will do an ultrasound scan of chicken eggs – using special technologies to determine its gender. If it’s a cockerel, the egg will be disposed of before the chick hatches. If the chicken is sent to the incubator. The procedure will be done until the seventh day of the embryo’s maturation in the egg, not later. Why exactly until the seventh? It is believed that a day later, the chick-embryo in the egg begins to feel pain.

In general, the attitude towards eggs in Germany is very serious. So, only those eggs that have been laid happy and given enough space for the life of the laying hen are entitled to the mark “bio”. According to the rules, chickens incubating bio eggs should not be kept in cages. And the aviary should be such that for each chicken there is at least 4 square meters. m to take a walk. Now remember the kitchens with an area of ​​6 squares in Khrushchev and weep.

In addition, the chicken coop should be equipped with perches. So much so that for each chicken there is at least 18 cm on it. There are sawdust, straw and sand on the floor. Their number is also regulated by standards. After all, chicken comfort is above all. In total, there should be no more than 3 thousand layers in the hen house at a time. Otherwise, they will be noisy and uncomfortable.

A separate item is the feeding of bio-henchmen. The feed for them should not contain genetically modified components. That is, they also eat better than we do.

Of course, in Germany you can buy eggs without the label “bio”. However, more and more residents of the country are worried about the conditions in which the hens that laid these eggs are kept. So manufacturers have to adapt to public demand.

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