Experts are ready to help even those who give up in despair.
The worst question a woman can hear is the question of offspring. “When will you finally give birth? It’s time, age! “,” When will you go for the second? ” – tactless interlocutors often do not even suspect how much pain they cause to their friends. Not every one of us can just take and declare our infertility even to our friends. This problem is intimate, and it is not customary to talk about it openly.
Meanwhile, experts insist that the diagnosis of “infertility” is not a sentence. The main thing is to identify the causes of the pathology and start fighting with them. How to do it correctly and as efficiently as possible, we deal with Elena Zarutskaya, an obstetrician-gynecologist, an ultrasound diagnostics doctor at the Panacea network of clinics.
“There are many diagnostic and therapeutic measures in the arsenal of modern medicine to help loving couples become happy parents,” says Elena Zarutskaya. – The diagnosis of “infertility” is made if pregnancy does not occur within a year of regular intimate relationships. It is important to understand that both partners must be tested, since infertility can be both female and male. I want to warn you that if a woman is over 35 years old, then it is better to be examined without waiting for a year. After all, the older we are, the more difficult it is to get pregnant. “
The long-awaited pregnancy is sure to come!
By contacting a gynecologist, you can establish the causes of infertility in a short time (3–6 months) and begin treatment!
What is the diagnosis of infertility:
1. Visit to a gynecologist. At the reception, the doctor asks in detail about the patient’s health as a whole, learns the details of social life; establishes hereditary factors, psychoemotional state; is interested in whether there has been a pregnancy before, whether there have been cases of its termination, etc.
2. Inspection. This diagnostic method includes not only a gynecological examination, but also a general assessment of the patient’s condition: body type, type of skin and mucous membranes, type of hair growth, body mass index.
3. Laboratory diagnostics (general tests, blood for hormones).
4. Instrumental examination (Ultrasound, EchoGSS, GSS).
5. Laparoscopy (medical and diagnostic operation).
Elena Zarutskaya conducts an ultrasound scan for a future mother
“As soon as the cause of infertility is identified, the treatment process will begin,” continues Olena Zarutskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics of the Panacea network of clinics. – It is very important to remember that the doctor is interested in helping you become a parent. The appearance of a long-awaited baby in your family is our common goal! Do not under any circumstances self-medicate, you can lose not only time, but also health. “
Gynecologists of the Panacea network of clinics successfully diagnose and treat infertility. Do not postpone solving your health problems, contact the specialists!
Doctors of the Panacea network of clinics not only successfully treat infertility, but also conduct pregnancy.
The Panacea network of clinics pays special attention to women’s health. Even if there is no apparent reason for concern, you need to visit a gynecologist once a year if you are under forty years old, and once every six months if your age is forty-plus. Prevention allows you to avoid many serious problems and improves all aspects of the work of the female body, from the function of childbirth and ending with the correct cycle, emotional background and beauty of the skin.
You can make an appointment with a doctor using a single call center number:
8 (8442) 59−59−59
or on the website:
Clinic network “Panacea”
Krasnooktyabrsky District, Metallurgov Ave., 30A;
Krasnoarmeisky district, Ave Heroes of Stalingrada, 38, bldg. 1;
Voroshilovsky district, st. Profsoyuznaya, 15B.
8 (8442) 59−59−59.
Qualified reception of a gynecologist, urologist, otorhinolaryngologist, neurologist, nutritionist, therapist and other specialists.
Endoscopic examinations, laboratory and ultrasound diagnostics are carried out, an operating unit and a day hospital are operating.
We help to be healthy. Every day.