You will fall in love: the giant cat weighs 15 kilos and is on a diet

The owners assure that the huge red-haired beast conquered them at first sight. And we believe them.

Mike and Megan are real cat lovers. They even have a business connected with these fluffy creatures: they make furniture for cats. Of course, they have their own pets. After all, someone has to test the interior novelties before they are offered to potential buyers.

“A couple of months ago we decided to have a third cat. At lunchtime, we ran into a cat shelter nearby. And they saw HIM, ”says Mike.

The cat was not even red, but rather cream. “Gentle Giant” – dubbed him by Mike and Megan. A giant – because it is 2 times larger than any, even a fairly large cat. The cat’s name was Bronson and he was very shy – he did not even turn his face to potential owners. So they succumbed to the charm of his furry priests.

“They refused to give it to us right away, without talking to the manager. We came the next day. The manager said that Bronson is only three years old, his former owner has died. The cat needs special care. After all, he weighs 15 kilograms – it’s bad for his health, ”says Mike.

All this didn’t scare Mike. Soon Bronson was getting acquainted with the new house and new neighbors.

“He is so affectionate, such a cute cat!” – Mike every now and then breaks down on a loving coo when it comes to his favorite.

Now Bronson is on a diet. Cats should not lose weight quickly, or they risk getting liver disease. Therefore, the owners carefully calculate the daily calorie intake and play sports with the cat. Sports usually boil down to active games and climbing stairs. Bronson is lowered to the first floor in his arms, and he must climb back himself, because there is his favorite couch. It’s hard for him, but he’s trying so hard!

By the way, carrying it on your hands is not so easy. First he comes to put the cat on the pillow to make him comfortable. Brosnson usually sleeps with the owners.

“He is absolutely not shy about taking up as much space as he needs. And he always sleeps on a pillow, ”- Mike describes life with a giant cat with affection.

By the way, Bronson has his own Instagram account. Almost 19 thousand subscribers are already following the cat’s success in the field of weight loss. Admire this sweetheart too – scroll along the arrow to the right. And by the way, pay attention to the thumbs on his front paws – they are almost human!

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