You want to be healthy – vaccinate yourself!

On April 24, World Meningitis Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the disease. Why is it worth talking about it? Because meningococcal disease can lead to death shortly after the first symptoms appear. Check how to protect yourself and your loved ones.

“24 hours – time to act” – this is the slogan of this year’s World Cerebrospinal Meningitis Day in 28 countries. Why is it just 24 hours? Because, as the organizers emphasize, 24 hours can mean the difference between life and death. In such a short time, the fate of everyone affected by this disease is in the balance. And it is dangerous for people of all ages: babies, children and adults.

– Prophylactic administration of an appropriate antibiotic within 24 hours after the diagnosis of meningococcal disease in people who had close contact with the patient within 7 days before the onset of the disease eliminates meningococcus of all groups from the throat and significantly reduces the risk of developing the disease – doctors explain and urge people to undergo protective vaccinations because it is the most effective method of preventing meningococcal disease.

How do you recognize the symptoms of meningitis?

The first symptoms of the disease are quite uncharacteristic and may resemble the flu or a cold. Symptoms develop very quickly within a day or two. In adults and children over 2 years of age the most common are: sudden fever, severe headache and neck pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, confusion, problems with concentration. Often there are seizures, drowsiness, sensitivity to light. In some cases, a rash appears that is characteristic of meningococcal meningitis.

In infants, however, the symptoms are slightly different and include: high fever, prolonged crying, excessive sleepiness and irritability, passivity, lack of apatite, bulging fontanell, the feeling of stiffness in various parts of the child’s body, including the neck.

What to do?

Seek medical attention as soon as possible. Based on these symptoms, your doctor will diagnose meningitis and prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema medications immediately to reduce the risk of cerebral edema. At the same time, it orders the type of bacteria that caused the infection to be determined, which allows you to choose an antibiotic to which that particular type of bacteria is sensitive. Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid is essential, along with computed tomography of the head, blood cultures and throat swabs.

Delaying the start of antibiotic therapy increases the risk of brain damage and even death, which can occur shortly after symptoms start. Other complications of the disease include: paresis or paralysis of the limbs, weakness or loss of hearing, speech disorders, problems with memory and learning, brain damage, problems with walking, seizures and kidney damage, less often myocarditis.

How to protect yourself against disease?

Vaccinations provide the most effective protection. Conjugate vaccines against meningococcal group C are intended for children from 2 or 12 months of age, and for adolescents and adults. It is worth considering immunizing your child against meningococcus when he or she attends nursery or kindergarten, or his older siblings attend kindergarten or school. Vaccination is recommended for people going to countries with a high prevalence of meningococcal disease.

Conjugated meningococcal vaccines also prevent asymptomatic carriers of bacteria, so protection against meningococcal disease can be started by vaccinating older siblings. Doing so will reduce the risk of transmission from siblings to family members, especially to the infant.

There are 4 types of vaccines available in Poland:

– Group C meningococcal conjugate vaccines

– meningococcal group A, C, W, Y conjugate vaccine

– polysaccharide vaccine against meningococci groups A and C

– a vaccine for active immunization against meningococcal group B has recently been available on the Polish market.

But despite the prophylaxis, you should remain vigilant and know the symptoms of meningitis and sepsis so that you can act quickly if necessary. Time is of the essence in this disease






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