You walk – you live longer

A two and a half hour walk a week is enough to extend your life by up to three years. It’s also a great way to stay healthy, even if you’re overweight, Harvard researchers say.

The condition for an effective walk for health is its intensity – specialists emphasize that it cannot be a slow walk, but a fast walk through the park.

People with a healthy body weight benefited most from this form of activity. However, as research shows, overweight and obese people can also stay healthy thanks to it. In addition, the researchers indicated that people with a history of cancer or heart problems recover faster thanks to simple walks.

We must finally understand how important the relationship between health and physical activity is. This cannot be taken lightly. Even a small amount of very simple exercises – such as a simple walk, can benefit your quality and life expectancy, ”emphasizes Dr. I-Min Lee. (PAP)

mdn/ zig/ tot.

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