You spend almost four years of your life there. Here’s how you can take better care of your health
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The average Polish family has at least one car. We spend a lot of time commuting to work, school, shopping or on vacation – the CSA Research report shows that this is almost four years of our life. Meanwhile, the air inside the cabin can be more polluted than outside. This is because we forget about one extremely important detail – the regular replacement of the cabin air filter.

The air in the car can be worse than outside

When the outside temperature gets low, we light the furnaces and boilers. The old type requires fuel that releases harmful substances into the atmosphere that hang in the air, creating a toxic mixture. When the concentration of harmful dusts exceeds the norm, it is recommended to go outside in a filter mask, not to play sports outside the home, and to close the windows. In this way, we limit the access of smog to our respiratory tract.

Research conducted in 2020 (MotoData, B2C user survey, Aftermarket) shows that only 39,8 percent. drivers changed the cabin air filter in the car. Over 60 percent in 2020, vehicle owners did not replace the cabin filter, which is a protective barrier against harmful dust or bacteria.

Allergens, pollen, bacteria and fungi, as well as fine dust and smog particles, including particularly dangerous PM 2,5 particles, enter the vehicle cabin. PM 2,5 particles are so small that they pass through the lungs and into the blood. A professional cabin air filter such as the Bosch FILTER + stops them and thus improves the air quality in your car. However, in order for the cabin air filter to function properly, it must be replaced regularly. This is done once a year or after 15 traveled. km.

Allergies, asthma, lung diseases – you risk it without replacing the cabin air filter

The cabin air filter is designed to clean the air that gets inside the vehicle, i.e. the air you breathe while traveling. The problem is that the filter wears out, and so does the oil. And, as with oil, it needs to be changed regularly. Otherwise, the air in your vehicle becomes harmful – especially for children, the elderly, allergy sufferers and people with chronic diseases.

Through an unchanged filter, allergens, pollen, pathogenic bacteria and smog dust get into the vehicle. Once they enter the respiratory system, they can lead to diseases – from bacterial infections to asthma and allergies to lung disease. By regularly replacing the cabin filter and choosing a high-quality filter, eg Bosch FILTER +, you significantly reduce the negative impact of polluted outside air on the occupants of the vehicle.

Today in Poland 40 percent. societies are allergy sufferers. In 100 years, this number has increased by 39%. Prof. Bolesław Samoliński from the Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards and Allergies at the Medical University of Warsaw, such a growth dynamics among civilization diseases has never been seen in the history of mankind. The expert emphasized that air pollution is responsible for the increasing number of allergies, as a result of which particles enter the body and combine with allergens. And these become more toxic as a result of this process. In the centers of large cities, almost 70 percent. preschool and school children suffer from allergies.

A serious allergic disease is asthma, affecting about 4 million Poles today. That’s 11 percent. children aged 6 – 14, as well as 9 – 10 percent. adults. These are only official figures and this figure could be underestimated. Many cases of asthma may not have been properly diagnosed yet. Of all allergic diseases, it is asthma that most often leads to hospitalization, disability and death.

Limit the risk – take care of yourself and your loved ones

Protecting yourself and your loved ones from polluted air, do not forget about the cabin filter. Its regular replacement is a small effort that brings great health benefits. By choosing a good-quality filter, you keep allergens, bacteria and smog away from the interior of your car. Remember to make an appointment every year or after every 15. km.

The question remains, which cabin air filter to choose to ensure the highest level of protection against contaminated air. It is worth choosing Bosch FILTER +, which contains an antibacterial layer (protecting against microbes), microfiber fabric (preventing solid particles that form smog) and activated carbon that absorbs odors and stops harmful gases. By using a professional cabin air filter, you can be sure that for the next year (or 15 km) you will be well protected against contaminated air. You will also not have to worry about unpleasant odors or steamy windows.

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