You smoke? Check what you know about this addiction [QUIZ]

It has been known for years that cigarettes are one of the most harmful stimulants, and yet one in seven people in the world still use them! What is really the most harmful about them? What are the effects of this addiction? Whether you smoke or someone close to you, read the article and then test your knowledge in a quick quiz!

Before you start playing with the quiz, we have a handful of information that will interest not only smokers, but also the environment they suffer. Some may surprise even specialists.

  1. Cigarette smoke contains tar and toxic substances, such as: tar, radioactive polonium, nickel, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, DDT and carbon monoxide
  2. The smoker becomes addicted to nicotine, a chemical that is also found naturally in small doses in eggplants, tomatoes and potatoes
  3. Alternatives to cigarettes, such as e-cigarettes and tobacco warmers, do not produce tar because instead of burning, they only heat the liquid or the tobacco
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

The smoker is addicted to nicotine, but it is killed by smoke and tar

For our health, it is best not only not to smoke at all, but also not to be around smokers. By smoking even one cigarette, we introduce a huge dose of toxic substances into the body. So although people smoke because of nicotine addiction, they die from the poisons in the smoke. This tragic paradox was observed in the 70s by an outstanding British psychiatrist and addiction specialist, prof. Michael Russell. Today his words have been confirmed by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Taking a drag on a cigarette, we inhale about 7 with the smoke. chemicals, 93 of which are toxic or potentially toxic. And as if that was not enough, as many as 70 carcinogenic effects have been confirmed. The pleasure of smoking can therefore be paid for with lung, laryngeal or stomach cancer.

The dangerous tar substances contained in cigarette smoke are a mixture of tar, radioactive polonium, nickel, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, DDT, which is a component of rat poison, and high concentration of carbon monoxide. The same carbon monoxide called the silent killer. All this is released when tobacco is burned at a very high temperature – 800 degrees C.

We can observe tar substances in the form of a deposit resembling a sticky brown goo. The smoker feeds it to his body through the lungs, and it builds up in the respiratory system causing irreparable damage.

  1. The Pole lives three years shorter than the average European. “Our nation is dying out”

Of course, the harmfulness of smoking has been talked about for years. Unfortunately, the words of caution reach us poorly. The CBOS report from 2019 says that 26 percent of people smoke. adult Poles, i.e. about 8 million people. Every fifth citizen of our country smokes regularly, and every twentieth occasionally.

So why is it so hard to break free from addiction? Because we are addicted to nicotine. A substance that occurs naturally in eggplants, and in smaller amounts also in tomatoes, potatoes and cauliflower. Nicotine has stimulant properties, it can increase heart rate and blood pressure. Hence the special ban on smoking for pregnant and breastfeeding women and people with heart disease, severe hypertension or diabetes. Interestingly, nicotine itself is not a carcinogen. We will not find it on the list of these substances in the INCHEM online database, which is co-created by the World Health Organization.

Alternatives to traditional cigarettes do not burn tobacco

Many people, although they try very hard, fail in the fight against addiction. Their advice is through tested alternatives to cigarettes that do not burn tobacco or produce smoke. It is for this reason that they significantly reduce the smoker exposure to toxic substances.

These are tobacco heaters and e-cigarettes. Their advantage is also that they do not produce tar and ash, and the content of toxins in their aerosols is much lower than in cigarette smoke. Although both products are recommended as a replacement for traditional cigarettes, they are not completely safe. Therapists call the transition from smoking to tea lights and e-cigarettes a harm reduction method, stressing the need to choose standardized and certified products.

  1. Nail diagnosis. What diseases can we learn about?

Why did the experts like them? Because they are based on electronic devices that do not burn tobacco at all. The heaters only heat it up, and a special liquid is heated in the e-cigarette. As a result of this process, an aerosol containing nicotine is released.

The growing interest in alternatives to cigarettes meant that representatives of science took care of them. The research is carried out by manufacturers of warmers and e-cigarettes, as well as independent research centers or government institutions, e.g. from the USA, Great Britain and Germany. Tests of alternative products have shown that they may be less harmful than cigarettes. However, before using them, make sure about their source and certification method.

See also:

  1. Is one cigarette a day addictive? Checking!
  2. Prof. Gałecki: harm reduction as an opportunity for unrepentant smokers
  3. Smoking is a disease!
  4. Harmless e-cigarettes are a myth [EXPLAINED]
  5. E-cigarettes increase the risk of COVID-19 in young people

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How many people in Poland smoke cigarettes?

8 mln
6 mln
3 mln
8 mln Next question
According to the CBOS report from 2019, he smokes as much as 26 percent. adult Poles, i.e. about 8 million people. Every fifth does it regularly, and every twentieth does it from time to time. Moreover, cigarette smoke is harmful not only to the smoker himself, but also to those around him. This means that smoking indirectly affects almost the entire population, making it a significant social problem.

What really poisons smokers?

Cigarette smoke and tar
Cigarette smoke and tar Next question
An outstanding British psychiatrist and addiction specialist, Prof. Michael Russell, already in the early 70s wrote that people smoke for nicotine and die from the tar contained in the smoke. Today, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that the main cause of smoking-related diseases is the very process of burning tobacco, which produces cigarette smoke and tar. With each puff of a cigarette, the smoker inhales the smoke, which is composed of about 7 chemical compounds. According to the most comprehensive list of the FDA, 000 of them have scientifically proven toxic or potentially harmful effects, and about 93 are confirmed to be carcinogenic.

What are tar substances?

Compounds resulting from the combustion of tobacco
Substances that give cigarettes a characteristic flavor
That’s another name for cigarette ash
Compounds resulting from the combustion of tobacco Next question
Tar substances are a mixture of toxic compounds, such as, for example, tar, radioactive polonium, nickel, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, DDT (a component of rodent poison) or high concentrations of carbon monoxide. They are created by burning tobacco at a very high temperature of 800 degrees Celsius. They look like sediment or “goo” with a sticky structure and brown color, which is absorbed by the smoker’s body. By depositing in his respiratory system, they cause serious health complications.

Finish with the sentence “The most serious health effects of smoking are or are (…)”:

smoker’s cough, yellowed teeth and brittle nails
lung cancer
numerous neoplastic diseases, including lung cancer and other conditions
Numerous neoplastic diseases, including lung cancer and other conditions Next question
The tar produced during the combustion of tobacco, contained in cigarette smoke, causes all of the above diseases and symptoms, but the greatest of them, posing a direct threat to the life and health of the smoker, is the risk of developing neoplastic diseases, including lung cancer, laryngeal cancer and stomach cancer. Scientific research has proven that tar substances are carcinogenic.

What is the effect of nicotine on the smoker’s body?

It is a diuretic substance
It is a carcinogen
It is a highly addictive substance
It is a highly addictive substance Next question
Nicotine is addictive and stimulating, but not carcinogenic. May increase heart rate and blood pressure. Consequently, some people – especially minors, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and patients with heart disease, severe hypertension or diabetes – should not use nicotine products. However, in the world’s largest online database of chemicals, INCHEM, co-created by the World Health Organization, nicotine is not on the list of carcinogens. The harmfulness of cigarette smoking is mainly due to the process of burning tobacco, which produces smoke containing toxic substances, including tar substances that cause numerous neoplastic diseases.

In what products, apart from cigarettes, can nicotine be found?

Eggplants and tomatoes
Bananas and lemons
Ginger and Jerusalem artichoke
Eggplants and tomatoes Next question
Eggplants contain the most nicotine. It is also found in small amounts in tomatoes, potatoes and cauliflowers. Nicotine is also used in medicines, as a therapeutic agent supporting smoking cessation, e.g. in gums, patches, sprays or tablets (i.e. in products of the so-called nicotine replacement therapy).

What should the smoker do to reduce the negative effects of his addiction as effectively as possible?

Smoke less
To smoke outside
Quit smoking completely
Quit smoking completely Next question
The most effective method of reducing the risk of smoking-related diseases is to immediately and permanently quit smoking.

As Nobel Prize winner George Bernard Shaw ironically used to say: “A cigarette is a pinch of tobacco rolled into tissue paper, with a fire at one end and a fool at the other.” What if there is no fool on the other end of the cigarette, but a heavily addicted smoker who cannot quit? He should then:

Puff on the cigarette slowly and calmly
Smoke less often
Find out about tested alternatives to cigarettes
Find out about tested alternatives to cigarettes Next question
It is not enough to smoke less to reduce the damage done to the body. Just one lit cigarette introduces a huge dose of toxic substances, including tar substances, into the body along with the smoke. People who, for various reasons, do not quit smoking, may try to replace cigarettes with tested alternatives to cigarettes. They do not burn tobacco and do not produce cigarette smoke. As a result, they significantly reduce exposure to toxic substances and limit the damage caused by continued smoking.

Which of the following nicotine products are an alternative to cigarettes without producing smoke or tar?

Cigars and cigarillos
Wooden pipe tobacco
Tested tobacco heaters and e-cigarettes
Tested tobacco heaters and e-cigarettes Next question
Technological development has not bypassed the tobacco industry. Thanks to it, smokers have gained several alternatives in recent years that may be less harmful to continuing to smoke cigarettes. Among them are tested tobacco heaters, as well as e-cigarettes, which do not produce smoke, tar or ash, and the number and content of toxins in their aerosols is much lower than in cigarette smoke. These products are not completely risk-free and should not be used as a way to quit smoking. However, in many countries they are recommended to smokers if they are unable to break the addiction. It is a form of harm reduction, but only with the use of standardized and certified products that have undergone appropriate tests in this area.

How are tobacco heaters different from e-cigarettes?

Like, tobacco heaters are also a type of e-cigarette
Tobacco sticks use tobacco sticks, and e-cigarettes use both tobacco sticks and liquid
Tobacco sticks use tobacco sticks, and e-cigarettes use liquid
Tobacco sticks use tobacco sticks, and e-cigarettes use liquid Next question
Tobacco warmers and e-cigarettes are two completely different alternatives for smokers. Both, however, are based on electronic devices that do not burn tobacco at any stage, so their harmfulness may be less than that of cigarettes. The heaters only heat the tobacco without burning it, and e-cigarettes heat a special liquid. Both give off a nicotine aerosol. However, depending on the individual devices and the technologies used in them, they may differ from each other in terms of the reduction of toxic substances.

Have cigarette alternatives been researched scientifically?

Yes, all of them, but only by their manufacturers
Yes, but only some of them, both by manufacturers and independent research units
No, they haven’t been tested at all yet
Yes, but only some of them, both by manufacturers and independent research units Next question
For several years, the number of research conducted both by manufacturers and, above all, by independent research centers and government institutions, e.g. from the USA, Great Britain or Germany, has been growing. They indicate that standardized alternatives can be much less harmful than cigarettes. However, it is always important to get acquainted with the source of the product, the method of its certification and as much verified information as possible.
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