Every fourth adult in Poland smokes cigarettes. Although the number of smokers is steadily declining, lung cancer is still a huge problem. As it turns out, smokers can defend themselves against it by paying attention to what they eat.
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It is widely known that the main factor in the development of lung cancer there is tobacco smoke. It would seem that the easiest way to protect yourself from this illness of quitting smoking. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Each year many people try to break the addiction, and only a small fraction of it succeeds them. Smokers should pay close attention to what lands on their plates. A diet rich in certain products can reduce the risk of developing lung cancer by up to several dozen percent. The flagship vegetable in the fight against this cancer is broccoli.
Broccoli versus cancer
From year to year, broccoli is gaining more and more popularity, and is a rich source of a whole range of anti-cancer compounds. They include, among others:
- Vitamin C.
- Sulforaphane
- Quercetin
- Kemferol
- Indolo-3-carbinol
Numerous studies confirm the protective effect of these compounds chemical. They work by limiting the growth and development of cells cancerous. They also protect DNA against mutations and support its repair. Indole-3-carbinol may also affect the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs by slowing the appearance of cell resistance to their action.
The free tumor is primarily responsible for the development of tumors radicals that are found in cigarette smoke. Compounds included in broccoli are so-called free radical scavengers and, thanks to their antioxidant (antioxidant) abilities, make them inactive. Unfortunately, they are sensitive to high temperature. For this reason, broccoli should only be cooked steamed for a while or it is best to eat them raw, e.g. as ingredient of salads and salads. Frozen broccoli can be used in the off-season.
Other products worthy smoker’s attention
Broccoli is a vegetable with one of the most potent and proven anti-cancer effects, but not the only one. Anti-cancer compounds are also found in other foods:
- Vegetables – Tomatoes, peppers and deserve special attention Garlic. And the less popular kale and artichokes.
- Fruit – They exhibit the strongest anti-cancer effect blueberries, cranberries and chokeberry. The smoker’s diet should also include citrus, and especially grapefruits.
- Spices – Of all the foods, spices and herbs are the strongest antioxidants. It is therefore advisable to enrich the taste of dishes with ginger, cinnamon, basil or oregano.
- Tea – Black express tea is definitely better to replace with green leafy.
Not only for smokers
The above products should be hosted not only on the tables of smokers, but also all those who want to enjoy their health. They contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds to protect against many diseases and strengthening immunity. For example, the mentioned broccoli also delays the onset of degenerative changes in the joints. What very important, these beneficial compounds are quite difficult to overdose, and the vegetables in which they are found are low in calories, so you can eat without restrictions. Karolina Łąkowska, a dietitian, recently wrote about it in an article Fri What to eat without restrictions on a diet? – 5 most important products.
How often do you eat broccoli? Maybe you have some favorite dishes that contain them? Share it in the comments.
Main photo is from: Photo credit: Nina Matthews Photography / Foter / CC BY
The photo in the text comes from: Photo credit: [puamelia] / Foter / CC BY-SA
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