You should know it! Symptoms of the Indian strain COVID-19

The Indian strain of the coronavirus is still in the spotlight. There have been reports of atypical symptoms.

About what symptoms are manifested in patients with the Indian strain, we were told by an expert – scientific director of the network of clinics for immunorehabilitation and preventive medicine Grand Clinic Olga Shuppo.

Scientific director of the network of clinics for immunorehabilitation and preventive medicine Grand Clinic

Indeed, there is information that one of the variations of the Indian strain of coronavirus manifests itself differently than we are used to – many patients complain primarily not of fever and cough, but of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, joint pain and a decrease in hearing. But this does not mean that the infection is out of control and presents us with unpleasant surprises. It must be remembered that the main task of the virus is to infect as many people as possible. That is why he is constantly mutating and looking for new opportunities to achieve the goal.

The listed symptoms:

  • nausea,

  • loss of appetite,

  • stomach upset.

They are not new, because they have met before, they just were not so common. But for comparison: loss of smell, which is considered one of the main signs of coronavirus, is also not found in all patients. What is happening now is simply a change in the dominant clinical manifestations. By and large, COVID-19 does not have any specific symptomatology inherent only to it. Each new mutation of the virus tries new ways.

The news that the new strain increases the risk of thrombosis is also not so scary – this complication can occur when infected with any strain of coronavirus. It lowers the oxygen saturation of the cells, which causes the blood to thicken.

Hearing loss or diarrhea is not a reason to diagnose yourself on your own, it may be a consequence of other health problems. But it is undoubtedly necessary to see a doctor.

Subtleties of terminology

The Indian strain of coronavirus is called delta because of the WHO classification, where it appears under the name Delta B.1.617.2. Variants of the virus are named after the Greek letters for convenience, so that it is easier to track their mutation.

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