There are bacteria throughout the human digestive system. In each episode, they are different and adapted to fulfill various functions. They enter the body with food. Further, food enters the throat through the digestive tract, and with it it takes with it some of the previously encountered microorganisms. There is a very acidic environment in the stomach. There, a large amount of bacteria is destroyed and does not pass to further parts of the digestive system.
However, some bacteria are resistant to the acidic environment of the stomach. These include bacteria of the genera:Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus and pathogenic bacteriaHelicobacter pylori (these can end up in the stomach and cause ulcers). The acidic environment in the stomach does not prevent them from working.
In the further parts of the digestive tract, the type of bacteria practically does not change. It only happens in the ileum. There are other types of bacteria: Eschericha coli, Clostridium, Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Bifidobacterium.
However, most bacteria are found in the last sections of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly in the large intestine. These include, among others:
- dominant:Eubacterium, Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium
- the remaining: Enterococcus, Escherichia, Lactobacillus, Clostridium
Intestinal sealants
Bacteria in the intestine either stick to the intestinal epithelium or are present in the intestinal contents. The bacterial flora of the large intestine is not yet fully understood. Some microorganisms are very difficult to produce under laboratory conditions. We know the most about the dominant microflora and only in healthy people. We still know little about the microflora of sick people.
In a healthy body, we have a bacterial flora that is always there and protects us from external intruders. But there is also a flora that comes with food. It can be beneficial, but it can also be unfavorable for the human body or perform both functions at the same time. Territory fights are taking place in the gut. When the “good bacteria” win, we feel good. When the “bad” win, various types of illnesses may appear, such as food poisoning or other often more serious ones.
The effect of bacteria on the body
Bacteria are involved in the fermentation and decomposition of undigested food residues. Their effect, for example, can be felt during the decomposition of sugars in legumes. After their consumption, gases are formed in the body. It is the effect of bacteria.
They can store energy in the form of short-chain fatty acids. These acids help to lower the pH of the intestine, but also participate in the absorption of minerals from the intestine, such as calcium, magnesium and iron. They produce mainly B vitamins, vitamin K.
Intestinal tightness and slimming
They seal the intestines, which has a positive effect on the immune system, but also on the weight loss process. More and more studies involving obese people show that their gut flora is different from that of lean people. The composition of the intestinal microflora may be one of the risk factors for obesity or the metabolic syndrome.
Transplantation of the bacterial flora from obese mice to lean mice resulted in the appearance of metabolic syndrome features in lean mice. And implanting bacteria from lean mice into obese mice had the effect of losing weight in those with excess body weight. Probiotic bacteria settle on the walls of the intestine, sealing them and creating a less permeable layer. Thanks to that probably they limit the absorption of fats and carbohydrates from the diet. This, on the other hand, helps to absorb less energy. Therefore, it reduces the amount of accumulated adipose tissue.
Scientists give a lot of hope to obese people. However, transplantation of selected strains of bacteria may not be effective. Some of them are very resistant to such actions. Work on the best strains of bacteria for slimming is underway. Some nutritionists already recommend their patients to increase their dietary intake of probiotics, which over time gives surprising results and regular weight loss.
The quality of the diet and the weight loss effect
What can we do ourselves in this matter? Take care of your diet so that there is no shortage of probiotic bacteria. It will definitely help in the fight against kilograms. So let’s eat a lot of fermented products: pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, fermented milk drinks such as yogurt or kefir, sour milkto care for your gut flora.
The good and bad bacteria
The most important bacteria for humans are those of the following type: Lactobacillus i Bifidobacterium, i.e. lactic acid bacteria. When there are not enough of them in the body, unwanted symptoms may occur, such as: flatulence, digestive problems or other problems with the digestive tract.
The ones that are the most dangerous are: Escherichia coli, Bacteroides and anaerobic streptococci. They produce fecal enzymes. They work to create neoplastic substances in the body.
What diet for the development of good bacteria?
A diet rich in plant foods promotes the multiplication of lactic bacteria. Plants are a nutrient for them. Inulin and oligofructose they are excellent prebiotics to support the growth of good bacteria. They are naturally found in products such as: artichokes, asparagus, peanuts (but avoid salted ones), onions, tomatoes, bananas, leeks and chicory.
A diet based on large amounts of meat with a small proportion of plant products reduces the content of LAB (good) and increases Bacteroides. This is another argument for eating vegetables more often.
Bacteria are a very important problem for our health, but as it turns out, it is also closely related to obesity. These arguments definitely support increasing the consumption of plants, silage, yoghurt and kefir. Let us make sure that our diet is as varied as possible. And you, do you pay attention to these products in your daily nutrition?