You’re drinking a smoothie, watch your teeth! – Dietetics – Articles |

A diet rich in products such as: sugar, sweets, cola drinks. Their excessive consumption causes oral bacteria to start producing acid. They are harmful to the teeth. They cause their demineralization, i.e. spoilage. These products have a negative effect not only on the teeth, but the entire body, leading to its acidification.

The saliva in the mouth is neutral with a proper diet. When we start eating sugars, it starts to turn sour. This is a dangerous phenomenon if it occurs over a long period of time. Saliva with the correct pH protects the teeth against their “self-digestion”. When you eat candies, jellies, donuts, drink Coca-Cola every day, the pH in your mouth is still incorrect. Then don’t be surprised if your teeth deteriorate.

Chewing gum will help?

Maybe a good solution to take better care of them is chewing gum without sugar? Does it actually improve the pH in the mouth and can it counteract cavities? As my dentist says – rubber does not protect against tooth decay. It can gently help with prophylaxis. More saliva is released when you chew. This contains immune substances that protect our teeth against the harmful effects of bacteria.

A bane smoothie for your teeth

We also drink smoothie juices more and more. It is a healthy snack recommended by nutritionists for nutritional value. And how does this vitamin bomb work on teeth? If the juice is made from fruits such as kiwi, apple or lemon, drinking it frequently can damage your teeth. Strawberry and banana smoothies are less invasive, reports the British Dental Journal. Due to the fact that we drink more and more of this type of juice, dental societies warn against excess in the interests of the condition of the teeth.

Can I brush my teeth after drinking fruit juices?

It is recommended to brush your teeth before drinking this juice. However, immediately after drinking it, it is worth avoiding brushing, because it has a negative effect on the condition of our teeth.

For the teeth to be nice turn on to the so-called diet alkalizing products. Belong to them:

  • potatoes
  • Vegetables fruits
  • Fresh milk, cream
  • Mineral water, but only still water
  • Spices: parsley, oregano, dill, mustard, cumin, marjoram, pepper, chives

Avoid or limit eating or drinking:

  • Sugar and foods that contain it, even fruit yoghurts that have been sweetened
  • White flour products
  • White rice
  • Sweetened drinks, e.g. cola, fanta, sprite
  • Alcohol

The teeth are mainly made of calcium. Provide it with food to keep them strong and serve you for a long time. You will find well-absorbed calcium in milk and dairy products. However, not all of them have the same amount. Milk desserts, grain cheese, homogenized cheese have very little of it.

A lot of calcium also contains: poppy seeds, figs and dried apricots, almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios, sunflower seeds, soybeans and parsley leaves.

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