You’ll never guess what day is considered ideal for cleaning.

If you do not wash at least one plate on this day, everything will go awry in the house for a whole year.

Our ancestors believed that spring does not come on March 1, but on the 21st, on the day of the vernal equinox. And finally comes into its own on the day when brownies awaken from hibernation – April 1. This day had to be met in a special way so that the gloomy sleepiness of the brownie would not do something wrong. After all, if he is not in the mood, then there will be a complete discord in the household: spots will begin to appear on clothes as if from nowhere, equipment will become capricious, and the dishes will slip out of their hands onto the floor by themselves. We have compiled instructions on how to properly meet a brownie so that you can live positively until next spring.

Step 1: cleaning

It is better to do it the day before, on the evening of March 31st. April 1 should be greeted surrounded by radiant purity. Moreover, doing anyhow, just for the sake of appearance, cleaning the brownie will not suit: you need to wash everything, from the window sill to the baseboards, from the plafonds to the farthest corners. Pay special attention to the windows: it is still too early to wash them from the outside, but from the inside it is worth carefully cleaning the glass from dust. This is the most important moment, if there is no order in the house, the brownie’s revenge will be instant. The spirit will start scattering cereals, entangling the mistress’s hair, tyrannizing pets.

It is imperative to throw away everything old, torn and unnecessary. Or to patch up something that is still useful to you – the brownie does not tolerate leaky things. Fix anything that’s broken, and if it’s hopelessly broken, send it to the trash heap. Change bedding and do a large wash, sort things out in the closet. Otherwise, there will be no easy positive energy in the house, instead there will be only conflicts, quarrels and fatigue.

Step 2: treat

On April 1, it would be good to devote at least an hour to cooking. The brownie will love the porridge and pastries, milk and homemade bread. You can bake crane buns or any other buns if you are not fasting. If you keep austerity, there are recipes from lean dough. Fasting bread is allowed, and it is on this day, April 1, that you can also afford hot food without oil. Isn’t it a holiday?

Step 3: gifts

A small souvenir designed specifically for the brownie will delight him very much. Household spirits love beautiful shiny things, jewelry – remember Kuzi’s brownie chest. New clothes will also come in handy: socks, pants or a sweater. The size, by the way, the brownie wears for children. Leave the gift in the kitchen and say out loud that it is intended for the brownie: here, they say, they tried to please him.

Step 4: entertainment

Where do you think the tradition of playing each other on April 1st came from? It is from this day! It turns out that in order to make the brownie finally and irrevocably happy, it was supposed to make fun of each other and over themselves all day. Be sure to put on some thing inside out, as the brownie himself wears, he will like it. You can wear shoes from different pairs. Fun can be anything, there is only one condition: pranks must be kind, the spirit of the home will not tolerate bullying.

By the way, on this day there is another sign: the more people the girl plays, the more lucky she will be with her fiancé, he will always be faithful to her and will never leave.


Do you believe in brownies?

  • No, of course, this is all nonsense and superstition.

  • When I could not find glasses, I was ready to believe in unicorns at least.

  • Sometimes things happen that nothing else can explain.

  • Maybe I believe, maybe not. But it doesn’t hurt to cajole – it won’t get any worse.

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