You like kissing? Find out how much you know about kisses. How does kissing affect your body and health? Quiz

A kiss is perhaps the greatest expression of affection between people. It is a symbol of relationship, love and devotion. What’s more, it has a positive effect on both the psyche and the body. However, there is also the other side of the coin – sometimes kisses can have dangerous consequences. Do you know when and why? Test your knowledge by taking our quiz.

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1. We will start with the most important question in these times: can you get infected with coronavirus by kissing?

It is not known
Roof Next question
Remember, close contact – and therefore a kiss as well – can lead to coronavirus infection. SARS-CoV-2 spreads via droplets, i.e. through saliva. Therefore, when kissing, this pathogen can be transferred to another person.

2. Why do we feel better after a kiss?

Because kissing is fun
Because it allows you to get away from troubles and gain distance
Because the stress hormone level drops, and the level of happiness hormones increases
Because the stress hormone level drops, and the level of happiness hormones increases Next question
Kissing increases the production of happiness hormones, while the level of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the blood decreases.

3. How many muscles are activated during a kiss?

126 Next question
The kiss engages a total of 126 different muscles – the facial muscles, but also the muscles of the body that allow you to assume the right position.

4. A kiss can be dangerous for people with allergies?

Roof Next question
By kissing, you may come into contact with the allergen in people with food allergies (e.g. to peanuts).

5. How many calories can you burn during a one-minute kiss?

Ok. 2 kcal
Ok. 50 kcal
Ok. 100 kcal
Ok. 2 kcal Next question
On average, during a minute of kissing, we burn an average of about 2 kcal, in the case of a passionate kiss it is about 6 kcal.

6. Which way do we most often tilt our heads during a romantic kiss?

There is no rule
Right Next question
Scientists have found that in the case of romantic relationships, partners are much more likely to tilt their heads to the right. Why? Increased activity of the reward system mines in the left hemisphere of the brain was observed when people starting a romantic relationship kissed. Since the kissing mechanism strongly stimulates and uses the left side of the brain, the right side of the body is more active (the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and vice versa).

7. Which disease is called “kissing disease”?

Oral mycosis
Mononucleosis Next question
Mononucleosis is called kissing disease because the main route of infection is contact with the saliva of a sick person. In symptoms, mononucleosis resembles the flu. The pathogenic agent is the Epstein-Barr virus from the herpes virus group, which, once attacked, stays in the body for life.

8. Kissing helps prevent tooth decay – true or false?

Kissing has nothing to do with tooth decay
Truth Next question
A kiss increases the production of saliva – the mucins in it weaken the ability of harmful bacteria to attach to the teeth and create a layer that destroys the enamel.

9. Now the same point, but from a different angle. Can caries be infected by a kiss?

Roof Next question
Caries is an infectious disease, therefore it can be infected through saliva (and thus also during a kiss), transmitting cariogenic bacteria.

10. Kisses are anti-wrinkle?

One has nothing to do with the other
Roof Next question
The kiss engages 34 facial muscles, some of which can only be activated in one way – we won’t move them either in the gym or while chewing.

11. A disease that you probably will NOT catch from a kiss is:

HIV virus
HIV virus Next question
With HIV, saliva is not contagious, blood is contagious. Theoretically, in the case of a lip wound or oral mucosa damage, infection by kissing is possible. In practice, however, contact with a fairly large amount of blood is required. Infection by this route can not be 100 percent. ruled out, however, it seems that HIV infection through a simple kiss is very unlikely.

12. During a kiss, a hormone is released which strengthens trust, emotional bond and promotes monogamy. Is it:

Oxytocin Next question
Oxytocin is considered a key hormone in the development of monogamy in animals.

13. How many bacteria do we exchange with our partner during a 10-second kiss?

100 thousand
80 mln
80 mln Next question
Scientists from the Micropia museum in Amsterdam believe that during a 10-second kiss we exchange as many as 80 million bacteria from over 250 species. As you can see, we also exchange bacterial flora when kissing with a partner.

14. Nobody really knows for sure why we kiss. The most popular theory, however, is that we do this to:

Give yourself pleasure
Exchange genetic information about the suitability of a potential mate for us
Encourage your partner to have sex
Exchange genetic information about the suitability of a potential mate for us Next question
The most repeated theory is that kissing helps to gauge the quality of your potential mate’s genes.

15. What is chronic fear of kissing called?

Filemafobia Next question
The chronic fear of kissing is called filemaphobia.
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