For several days now, Internet users have only been talking about the divorce of Kharlamov and Asmus. The actress published on her Instagram page an appeal to everyone who is looking for someone to blame for their parting with Garik.
Christina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov
The other day Kristina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov unexpectedly announced that they were getting divorced. Celebrities have been married for more than seven years and are raising a common daughter, Nastya.
According to the ex-spouses, they made this decision a long time ago, but only now decided that it was time to officially announce.
Anticipating many rumors, Christina and Garik immediately announced that the scandalous film “Text” had nothing to do with their breakup. Recall: in the tape, Asmus played in many provocative scenes.
Of course, Internet users actively started talking about this topic and began to put forward a variety of assumptions.
Kharlamov did not remain silent about the current situation: he laughingly discusses the strangest theories about divorce on social networks.
But Christina at first ignored the word of mouth – but realizing that the discussions could not be stopped, she turned to the followers with a statement.
The actress admitted that she had expected a wave of comments related to the film “Text” and bed scenes with Ivan Yankovsky. However, Asmus is not offended by the suggestions of haters that she was unfaithful to her husband.
Christina Asmus spoke about divorce again
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“I love couch conspiracy theories, scandals, intrigues, investigations. You know everything and you see everything. Who really is what, what is the reason and which of us filed for divorce. I will not take the microphone away from you. Be creative! ” – Christina wrote on her blog and stated that she would not close comments on her page.
Photo: Andrey Kalmykov / Healthy Food Near Me, @ asmuskristina / Instagram,