“You have to stop thinking that living under stress is normal”

“You have to stop thinking that living under stress is normal”


Coach Gemma Ramírez has published ‘Click Method’ to help all those who live in continuous stress

“You have to stop thinking that living under stress is normal”

Human beings live immersed in routines that bind us, wear us out and do not fill us. Until suddenly there comes a day when our body and mind tell us “no more”. When this happens, perhaps it is time to click, to stop and observe what is causing this vital imbalance that prevents us from moving forward and having quality time, both for ourselves and for our loved ones. In this way, once we have identified it, we can face the problem and regain control of our life.

Gema Ramírez knows this situation well because, like many others, she has experienced it in her own skin. Luckily, she was able to “run away” from her hamster wheel, beat the stress, and start living the life she deserved. Not only that, he also decided to train and dedicate his career to help other people who were in the same situation.

After more than a decade of research and having successfully advised more than a thousand clients, he has created his own method of working to combat stress: the Click Method. This method, based on five steps (coaching, leadership, emotional intelligence, communication and toolkits) will help us in a simple, practical way and with exclusive resources to take action and will show us what changes we must carry out to start enjoying our life.

Why did the Click Method arise?

After a decade of research, I have created my own methodology to overcome stress: the Click Method, based on five basic pillars: Coaching, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Communication and Toolkit that I develop in detail in my new eponymous book, published by Alienta Editorial (Grupo Planeta).

What is it and how can your method help us?

Thanks to it you will be able to know, in a simple, practical way and with exclusive resources the steps to properly manage your time and your emotions before they overwhelm you and you pay for it with the most loved ones. Reading it will make you feel better and find the balance between your personal and professional life.

We often say that “we are stressed.” How do we really know that we are experiencing a time of stress?

Each person shows when they are not well at all. The most common symptoms are irritability, apathy, not feeling understood by others about what we are going through, or believing that we do not have time to get to everything, despite spending all day without stopping. It is important that we do not normalize the fact of living continuously stressed because if we do our part, the stress will decrease considerably.

Generally speaking, we live in a “bad” time … what do you propose so that anxiety, uncertainty and stress do not settle in our lives?

The most advisable thing is to get out of the negative spiral in which we sink when we watch the news or continually complain. If each person focuses on what they can do to improve their day-to-day life, they will begin to be responsible for their own situation, that is, they will stop worrying and start worrying, focusing on the solution and not on the problem.

You say in your book that “living with stress ends up with serious consequences for health” … like which ones?

The symptoms are very varied, depending on the person, they can range from chronic back pain or headaches, poor digestion, shortness of breath, feeling of exhaustion, alterations in our eating habits (eating with great anxiety or our appetite is closed), to trouble falling asleep or rapid heartbeat.

Since episodes of stress and anxiety are not the same, how can we differentiate them?

In general, stress is a discomfort that we feel due to a specific event in which we believe that we do not have enough resources to deal with it. For example: public speaking, but when this happens, the stress decreases. Anxiety, on the other hand, is a feeling of internal restlessness with a more diffuse origin that we usually try to silence by modifying our habits, including others that are not usually very healthy. Anxiety makes us worry about horrible events that may happen, but 92% of the time they don’t happen, so we end up suffering (and a lot) in vain if we don’t learn to exercise control over our own thoughts.

Before you have an anxiety attack, your body and mind give signals. Is there any way to stop it?

Yes, for this we must take into account the signs that our body is showing but that, normally, we do not pay too much attention until, it may happen that it stops us dead, such as when I suffered an anxiety attack, it which made me inquire to find out why it was caused and how to prevent it from happening again.

We are not used to stopping and analyzing what happens to us, we simply continue with our lives, hoping that our stress improves in the future, but if we do not go to the root, when a problem arises again, that stress will manifest itself again … until we have the right tools to face it, slow down our pace of life and see what to change or stop doing to feel better.

About Gemma Ramírez

Expert in helping people and organizations that need to overcome stress, as well as properly managing their time and emotions to find balance on a personal and professional level, applying her own work method: the Click Method.

Graduated in Communication Sciences and tired of living in a continuous state of stress, anxiety and dissatisfaction, she reinvented her professional career and trained as a Life & Business Coach, certified by the International Association of Coaching and Psychology.

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