You have to eat to lose weight! What is the “most enjoyable diet in the world”?
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How many times in your life have you said to yourself “I’m going on a diet tomorrow”? You have lost the count … No wonder, according to British scientists, women lose 31 years of their lives on weight loss! Fasting, fraudulent supplements, fashionable fat burners most often lead to one thing: the yo-yo effect.

And what if there is an ideal diet where you can eat what you want and lose weight?

You eat and lose weight, which is what you expect, at your fingertips

Over the years, we have been told that losing weight is a torment and a series of sacrifices. You can’t eat bread! Chocolate is the same evil! You’re getting fat from fat! As a result, instead of learning a healthy attitude towards nutrition, we enter into a “toxic relationship” with it. The plate becomes our enemy, not a friend that brings saturation and energy. Most often it ends with the elimination of whole groups of products from the diet, sudden, sometimes harmful to health, limitation of the quantity and quality of consumed meals.

Nutritionists have long emphasized that the key to permanent weight loss is a varied menu, providing the body with the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. All meals should be eaten fairly regularly, at regular intervals. Why?

The answer is simple: our bodies are like fireplaces and we should put coal into the furnace every three hours to keep our energy levels high. Regularly eating meals is not only conducive to shedding unnecessary kilograms. According to the World Health Organization, it also affects the body’s immunity, prevents cardiovascular diseases and increases our efficiency.

Or maybe the secret of an effective diet lies not in what we eat, but how do we reduce the amount of calories consumed in a healthy way?

In order to lose weight, we must have a negative energy balance, i.e. we use more energy than we supply it. At this point, the body reacts with a feeling of hunger, which is the greatest threat to any diet and it is very difficult to fight it. If it weren’t for hunger, slimming would be easy and fun.

Therefore, “the most enjoyable diet in the world” says no to hunger. You can eat practically what you want and enough to satisfy your hunger! It is important to include proteins, carbohydrates and fats at every meal. That they are the least processed products and preferably from our domestic ingredients.

If, in addition, you can not count meticulously calories, do not worry about preparing special meals – the “most enjoyable diet in the world” will be created. A diet where you enjoy life, have strength, energy and lose weight. A diet that will revolutionize the way you think about weight loss as you will understand that you need to eat to lose weight.

Only two commandments must be absolutely obeyed in the “most enjoyable diet in the world”: we eat meals regularly every 3-4 hours, and most importantly, each of them is preceded by a “pre-meal”, ie the “Diet Friends” cocktail.

The best part is that you are not alone in the diet, you have “friends”. The so-called “Friends of the diet” are low-energy nutritional cocktails that cheat the stomach by mechanically inducing a feeling of fullness. It is before and during meals as a “Friend of Diet” that we take the place of extra calories.

For example:

08:00 “Friends of the Diet” and scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, soft, Viennese style;

11:00 “Friends of the Diet” banana, apple, pear, plum;

14:00 «Friends of the Diet» and any lunch;

17:00 “Friends of the Diet” and a turkey, chicken, ham and fish sandwich;

20:00 «Friends of the Diet» and kefir, yoghurt, buttermilk.

Maybe in the first few days you will be able to eat whatever your heart desires. In time, more and more will remain on the plates! You will lose the desire for coffee, sweets, snacks.

«Friends of the diet» – your allies, enemies of hunger and obesity

You will not be “bored with taste” on a new diet. You can choose from 21 different cocktails – 13 vegetable and 8 fiber-protein.

In the composition of each vegetable cocktail you will find only powdered vegetables, obtained only from certified crops. The drying technology used allows you to keep 80 percent. vitamins and 100 percent. minerals. The product dissolves easily in water and, unlike juices and instant products, it has the fiber necessary for the proper functioning of the body. The so-called “dietary fiber” not only reduces cholesterol absorption and lowers blood glucose levels, but also facilitates weight loss.

Fiber absorbs water, thanks to which the consumed food increases its volume in the stomach, giving a feeling of fullness, slows down gastric emptying and the absorption of nutrients. This means that you do not feel hungry, and the urge to snack goes into oblivion.

New “you”

What can you expect? What you’ve always dreamed of, i.e. losing kilos without sacrifice. But that’s not all. By the way, you will nourish and cleanse your body. By supplementing your meals with “Diet Friends” cocktails, you will forget about hunger once and for all and your body will switch from storing fat to burning it. Additionally, you will lower your bad cholesterol levels as well as your blood sugar levels. You will be bursting with energy, and a good mood will emerge in the place of chandra.

The spectacular effects of the use of the “most pleasant diet in the world” are noticeable after about a month. However, the real revolution comes in three. See for yourself that the “most enjoyable diet in the world” is your last weight loss. You will be proud of yourself because you cannot give up on this diet.

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