You cannot wait with cataract surgery – warns prof. ophthalmology

Cataract surgery should not be postponed. Delaying for too long causes the cataract to harden, swell and become more and more difficult to remove – says Prof. dr hab. n. med. Marek Rękas, National Consultant in the field of Ophthalmology, Head of the Ophthalmology Clinic at the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw.

  1. Cataracts, or cataracts, are clouding of the lens of the eye. The most common type is senile cataract, affecting people over 50
  2. It is estimated that 800 people suffer from cataracts in Poland. people
  3. In 2019, 360 cataract surgery, in 2020 – 260 thousand.
  4. This treatment should not be postponed. Delaying for too long increases the risk of complications for the patient – says Prof. Marek Rękas, an ophthalmologist
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Cataract surgery should not be postponed

Where does cataract come from?

Prof. Marek Rękas: A cataract is a disease of the lens that causes it to lose its clarity. A healthy eye lens is clear and then the image formed on the retina gives good vision. Over time, the quality of vision – both far and near – drops significantly. And this is the moment when you should visit an ophthalmologist to diagnose the problem. Cataracts occur from around 40 years of age and are removed surgically. It is the most frequently performed surgery in the world.

What is the patient’s path from receiving a referral to performing the procedure?

It depends on the organization of work in a given center. Generally, the referral patient enrolls in the ophthalmology department registration to the waiting queue. Then, an appointment is made, followed by the prescribed pre-operative examinations. When they are ready, the patient reports for surgery on the scheduled date.

Many people give up elective surgery, waiting for the epidemic conditions to improve. Is it right?

Wrong, because this treatment should not be postponed. There is no need to wait for spontaneous improvement of vision, because it will not be there. Delaying it too long makes the cataract harder, swell, and increasingly difficult to remove. This requires the operating physician to apply more ultrasounds. This in turn means a greater risk of complications for the patient, including due to damage to the corneal endothelial cells, and a longer recovery period.

  1. Ministry of Health: free examination package for every 40-year-old

How long does cataract surgery currently take?

About a month, which is short. So it is a very good time for such an operation. The situation may change, considering the fact that in 2019 we operated 360. patients with cataracts, and in 2020 – by 100 thousand. less. This means a decrease of approximately 30%. (in Europe it was around 15%). If patients who resigned from the procedure reappear in the waiting queue, it may be significantly longer.

Cataract surgery during coronavirus

Are cataract surgery during a pandemic safe?

Yes, because the risk of contracting COVID-19 in the ophthalmology department is minimal. The main change concerns the movement of patients before and after the operation, while the operation itself is carried out in a similar way as before the pandemic. Contact of medical personnel with the patient in the operating room is limited to approximately 15 minutes. Such a procedure should apply in all ophthalmic departments in Poland.

The latest global tendencies are such that both eyes can be operated on during a single stay in the operating room. In some countries, cataract surgery is the only treatment option. In Poland, this procedure is possible under the National Health Fund, but not all patients.

Is the patient undergoing a Covid-19 test before cataract surgery?

According to the guidelines of European scientific societies and the guidelines of the national ophthalmology consultant in Poland – there is no such necessity. It is similar in Europe and in the world. We must, of course, remember to disinfect hands, face masks and maintain social distancing – this is a basic rule that everyone – both doctors and patients – should follow.

  1. Cataract surgery under the National Health Fund or privately?

Should patients be vaccinated against COVID-19 before surgery?

It is not necessary. Most of the medical staff are vaccinated. In addition, cataract surgery usually applies to elderly people, i.e. mostly vaccinated people. Of course, both a few days before the procedure and after it, the patient can get vaccinated, as long as he is healthy. The same rules apply as for the flu vaccine.

What should a patient who has opted out of elective surgery do?

He should report to the hospital registration and submit his decision, because if he did not come on the scheduled date, he is no longer among the waiting people. Such a patient can sign up at the end of the line. However, it is not possible to sign up many months in advance, e.g. in May – December.

What is the current state of Polish ophthalmology?

Introducing one-day procedures in 2018, the so-called Due to the “one-day-trips”, the queues of people waiting for cataract surgery decreased significantly. Currently, most ophthalmic departments in Poland no longer have beds, as is the case in Western countries. What remains is educating patients to reduce their fear of hospitalization. The cataract surgery options are currently very good and it is worth taking advantage of this.

Also read:

  1. The Olympics are getting closer, and the fourth wave of COVID-19 in Japan. Tragic situation in Osaka
  2. Expert: Fewer infections may prove vaccination effectiveness
  3. Virologist: unvaccinated people begin to parasitize the vaccinated
  4. The National Health Fund refunds the treatment of astigmatism and cataracts – one procedure is enough

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