You can’t move without moving

Physical activity is one of the pillars in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Why is exercise so good for the skeletal system? This is because the mechanical stress on the skeleton increases the activity of the cells that make up the bones. It is visible mainly in children and adolescents, but straining the skeleton through physical activity stimulates its reconstruction at all ages. There are more benefits to exercise – if we are fit, it is easier to avoid falls, and by exercising we also improve circulation and overall health.

For a whole week

Systematic effort brings better results than, for example, weekend breaks. Such exercises are also safer if dosed properly. Every move is good, even a walk, which is especially recommended for the elderly and the disabled. In order for it to bring the expected results, we should walk about an hour a day. An excellent and very pleasant exercise helpful in the prevention of osteoporosis is also … gardening or cycling.

Patients who are physically fit may also be advised to lift weights, of course of moderate intensity, e.g. light barbells, dumbbells. A safe form of relaxation that does not require special preparation will be, for example, ballroom dancing and tai-chi.

It’s never too late

Exercise is so important because the lack of stress on the skeleton causes a loss of bone mass and a weakening of its structure, as well as leads to loss of muscle mass and muscle weakness. The movement and load of the skeleton most strongly regulate the work of bone cells. In addition, exercise increases muscle mass, which also helps to strengthen the bones. Therefore, physical activity is necessary at all ages.

Breathing or strength exercises?

Cycling and walking aren’t enough. Complementary exercises are also needed to help you live a safer life with osteoporosis. The type of exercises performed and their frequency should be adjusted to the age, general fitness, and comorbidities, so they should be selected by a physician. It is good that, at least at the beginning, they should be performed under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

The set of exercises proposed by the doctor will include strength, coordination, flexibility and breathing exercises. Strength training strengthens the muscles, which facilitates daily functioning and reduces the risk of falling. We make them with an external load, e.g. with weights. It can also be resistance from your partner or water resistance when exercising in the pool. Coordination and balance exercises are intended to teach patients to move quickly and accurately in changing conditions. They increase the sense of security in everyday activities. With age, there is a tendency to stiffen joints, and thus reduce the range of motion. Therefore, flexibility exercises that increase flexibility and stretch the tissues surrounding the joint are important. Breathing exercises, on the other hand, are supposed to shape the body’s aerobic capacity.

It is also worth doing a few simple exercises yourself every day to help us maintain the correct body posture. This is important because the collapse of the vertebrae in osteoporosis causes deformation of the figure. Let’s try to learn to correct the figure, for example in front of a mirror: let’s straighten up, let’s breathe deep into our lungs. Let us emphasize the chest by pulling the shoulders back, then exhale slowly.

On a walk and in the garden

Outdoor exercise is especially worth recommending. On a sunny day, we get another important bonus from nature – vitamin D. It is necessary for the body to absorb calcium from food, and this is necessary to strengthen the bones. The body produces vitamin D. For its level to be sufficient, we need about 10-15 minutes of sun exposure to the face and forearms a day. Unfortunately, in our geographical conditions, this is only possible from May to September. Therefore, let us use the sun whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Text: Piotr Janczarek

Source: Domowe Kuracje, Let’s live longer

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