You Can’t Change These 11 Things, But You Can Stop Thinking About Them

Banging your head against a wall is ineffective and very painful. We talk about eleven things that cannot be changed, but if you stop thinking about them, life will become more pleasant and productive.

Motivational speakers and coaches say that everything in the world can be changed, you just have to want it. We believe in it, we work from morning to night, seven days a week, but practically nothing changes. This is because some things are out of our control. Wasting time and energy on them is stupid, it’s better to just stop paying attention to them.

1. We all depend on someone

Our life is connected with many people, and nothing can be done about it. You can try to change the rules of the game and your moral principles, change religion or become an atheist, stop working “for the owner” and become a freelancer. No matter what you do, there will still be people you depend on.

2. We can’t live forever

Life for many of us is difficult and stressful. We are always in touch and ready to work at any time of the day or night, forgetting about weekends and holidays. But even in the most stressful periods, you should not forget about yourself, you need to eat normally, sleep enough hours, do something other than work, consult doctors on time. Otherwise, you torture yourself to death or bring yourself to such a state that you can no longer work or enjoy life.

3. We can’t please everyone

Trying to please everyone around you is a thankless and exhausting business, there will always be people who are unhappy with your work, appearance, smile or lack of it.

4. It’s impossible to be the best at everything.

There will always be someone with a bigger house, a more interesting job, a more expensive car. Stop trying to be the best. Be yourself. Life is not a competition.

5. Anger is useless

When you get angry at someone, you hurt yourself first of all. All grievances are in your head, and the one who offended you, offended or humiliated you, does not touch it. Even if you do not want to communicate with a person, try to forgive him. So you get rid of negative thoughts and you can move on with your life.

6. It is impossible to control the thoughts of another person.

You can try your best: shout, persuade, beg, but you can’t change the other person’s mind. You cannot force a person to love, forgive you, or respect you.

7. You can’t bring back the past

Thinking about the mistakes of the past is useless. Endless “ifs” poison the present. Draw conclusions and move forward.

8. You can’t change the world

Inspirational sayings that one person can change the world are not very realistic. Some things are out of our control. However, you can improve the world around you.

It is better to do something useful every day for loved ones and your home, district, city, than to dream of global changes and do nothing.

9. Your origin does not depend on you, you cannot become a different person.

The place where you were born, your family and the year of birth are the same, whether you like them or not. It’s silly to worry about a difficult childhood. It is better to direct your energies towards choosing the life path that you dream of. You decide what profession to choose, with whom to be friends and where to live.

10. Personal life does not belong to us completely

In the digital age, personal information is available to everyone. You need to come to terms with this and, if possible, live without “skeletons in the closet”.

11. It is impossible to return the lost

You can make up for lost investments and make new friends. However, this does not negate the fact that some things are lost forever. This is especially true when it comes to relationships. New relationships will never repeat those that were in the past.

About the author: Larry Kim is a marketer, blogger, and motivational speaker.

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