“What to eat to lose weight?” – for everyone who has ever tried to lose weight, this joke does not seem ridiculous. It is all the more difficult to refrain from tasty, but harmful, if you get acquainted with the “paradox of healthy obesity.” This scientific discovery states that people who are overweight can exercise, and this will be enough to maintain health. But is it?
Will sports be useful if you don’t keep track of your weight?
The “paradox” was based on the observation that the cardiovascular system with excess weight is more stable and healthy than those who maintain a normal body mass index, but lead a passive lifestyle. This medical observation could also be confirmed by the fact that a weak cardiovascular system, in contrast to obesity, makes it possible to better predict mortality, if not for one “but”.
Scientists at the European University of Madrid have conducted research that refutes this seductive theory.
Alejandro Lucia, who served as the head of the research group, confirmed that physical activity will not cure health problems by “letting go” of the weight.
He confirmed these words by analyzing the medical indicators of 527 thousand Spaniards. Their average age was 42 years, but their physical characteristics varied: some had an average weight, others were obese, and still others had diabetes. By the way, an analysis was carried out for the presence of this disease, coupled with blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
A similar theory about being overweight and exercising is at the heart of the plus-size concept.
For those who are always looking for a magic pill for excess weight, there are two news: good and bad. The good news is that exercise really does help fight high blood pressure, even if your weight is not normal – it’s true. But at the same time, sports will not save you from cholesterol and diabetes, if you do not monitor the indicators of the weights. The study found that those who are overweight are twice as likely to have high cholesterol and four times as likely to have diabetes. “You can’t be full and healthy,” concluded Alejandro Lucia. This means that one of the arguments in favor of plus-size is scientifically rejected.
Whatever one may say, but sports are almost useless with improper diet and excess weight.
So, whatever one may say, health begins in the kitchen and continues in the gym. And if there is not enough time for good nutrition, then no dumbbells and treadmills will save you. Simple, but honest: balance between exercise and nutrition is the key to a healthy body.
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