You can lose weight and create a new image on the project “Beauty & Fitness Transformation”

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Before the New Year, the Beauty & Fitness Transformation came to an end – a joint project of the Beauty Formula salon, the Platinum fitness club and the Steilmann women’s clothing salon. What happened during the project with its winner, did you succeed in a miraculous transformation?

“Remember me this way, soon you will not recognize me!” – Elena wrote in social networks

The winner of the project Elena Puzanova is a mother of two children, the youngest of whom was only five months old at the time of the start of the project.

At the end of the project, Elena expressed her delight with the result in the project group: “So my transformation is over! I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part. You are great! I’m not used to the new look yet. Very unexpected for me! I saw changes in myself and will continue to work on my image. I will be a slim and beautiful mother! I can!”

For 11 workouts – minus 5 kg!

Throughout the project, professionals from the Beauty Formula salon, the Platinum fitness club and the Steilmann women’s clothing salon worked with Elena.

After the birth of a child, Elena decided to change in order to feel confident in any situation. And she did it!

Instructors fitness club Platinum drew up a program of strength and cardio training for Elena, as well as a special plan for a healthy diet.

The task for the coaching staff was not easy. After giving birth, Elena did not go in for sports and had a very chaotic approach to nutrition, besides, she is a nursing mother.

Taking into account the shoulder injury (Lena fell on the street and injured her arm), the loads were corrected. personal trainers managed to remove the load from the shoulder and even increase the intensity of training at the same time. As a result, Elena’s classes consisted of a cardio warm-up, a strength section in the gym and an intense cardio workout. And all this is under the vigilant supervision of the instructors.

Due to a hand injury, Elena could not attend training for some time, and the organizers decided to continue the project after her recovery. Everyone was happy about Lena’s success, and the support of her coaches during her illness gave her confidence in her strength and inspiration for victories.

Valeria Mikhailova, instructor of group programs, with the winner of the project

The result of Elena’s work was a weight loss of 5 kg and a decrease in volume – in just 11 lessons! And the change in approach to nutrition ultimately pleased the whole family – after all, it turned out to be not only useful, but also very tasty!

Only the “training + healthy diet” approach gives the desired result, they believe trainers, and Elena completely agrees with them. That is why there was no question of diets on the project. The diet solves the problem of excess weight temporarily, and, as a rule, after its completion, the hungry body quickly returns the weight back. Likewise, the instructors of the project do not see the point in exhausting exercises in the gym. Working for wear and tear will give nothing but undermined health.

The goal of the Beauty & Fitness Transformation project is to help participants start leading a sporty lifestyle. This is just the beginning of the journey, when a balanced system of healthy nutrition and regular exercise is being developed. Under the supervision of the professionals of the fitness center, without unrealistic efforts, a healthy lifestyle begins to bring pleasure, integrates into the usual rhythm of life and opens up huge reserves of energy. The correct approach allows even a nursing mother not to postpone a new life for later, but to start it right now, without waiting for any special, “suitable” conditions.

Alexander Konstantinov, gym instructor, with his ward

В salon “Formula of beauty” Elena also fell into caring hands. With the help of a beautician, the girl’s skin became smoother, the pores were reduced, and the complexion became fresh. Hair also got a lot of attention: SPA treatments returned softness and silkiness to hair.

The beauty Formula masseur helped Elena to relieve tension from her muscles after training. As a result, blood circulation improved, edema went away and the general tone of the body increased.

But that did not end there. Elena was waiting for a complete change of image: a new hairstyle, eyebrow correction, and before the New Year holidays – a very relevant fire manicure.

The specialists of the salon took into account Elena’s wishes and preserved the length of the hair, and the color was brought closer to the natural tone, adding a chocolate shade. Slanting bangs made Lena’s look more expressive, and makeup and styling completed the look.

В salon of women’s clothing Steilmann the stylists of Formula Beauty have selected a set of branded clothes for Elena: mustard-colored corduroy trousers and a cardigan with a bright blouse in sequins. The image turned out bright, but light, and most importantly, it coincided with Elena’s inner state.

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you need today,” says Elena. Her new life has already begun, and neither feeding the baby, nor a decree, nor an accidental injury prevented it.

Meanwhile, the project “Beauty Transformation” does not stop a new recruitment of participants, and the Platinum fitness club is waiting in its ranks for girls who want to make their life healthy and eventful.

Project Organizers

Platinum Fitness Club

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