You can live more actively with beets

Beet juice that improves the body’s efficiency can help not only athletes, but also people with reduced fitness, reports the Journal of Applied Physiology.

Earlier studies, conducted by scientists from the University of Exeter, showed that beetroot juice improves the ability to long-term exercise by up to 16%. It aroused the understandable interest of many athletes – from players of top teams to professional cyclists.

Further research carried out in cooperation with specialists from the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry revealed that ordinary people could also benefit from the benefits of beetroot juice – while walking, the subjects consumed about 12 percent. less oxygen.

Two mechanisms of action have been observed. The substances contained in the juice – mainly nitrates – first of all dilate blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow, and secondly, they reduce the oxygen demand of the working muscles.

According to the authors of the research, the beneficial effects of beet juice can significantly help people with reduced fitness, who find it difficult to exercise even a little effort. It is true that the studies conducted so far on young volunteers, but according to experts, the juice should also help elderly people with heart or lung problems (PAP).

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