yorkshire terrier dog
This dog was bred by people from Yorkshire by mixing different breeds of Old English Terriers. Thus, a small but strong terrier with steel-colored hair was obtained.
Name of the breedYorkshire Terrier
Country of originEngland
The time of the birth of the breedEnd of the XNUMXth century
A typedecorative breed
The weightBefore 3 kg
Height (height at the withers)18 – 20 cm
Lifespan12 – 15 years
puppies price7 – 500 rubles
Most popular nicknamesCupid, Baby, Archie, Pate, Betty, Squirrel, Zhuzhik, Jacques, Jerry, Friend, Ray, Richard

History of origin

According to some reports, the Yorkshire Terrier breed first appeared in the English county of Yorkshire (hence the name). In those days in England, people were forbidden to have hunting dogs so that they would not be engaged in poaching. Peasants could only have dogs no higher than 25 centimeters. Small terriers were especially valued, which perfectly hunted rats and birds and helped to save the harvest. 

The real breeding of the breed began when a champion dog named Punch was brought to England from Australia. It is thanks to him that the current species has a silky coat, small size and famous color. 

The first known representative of the Yorkie is considered to be a dog named Huddersfield Ben. He lived only six years, but during this time he was awarded many awards. He is often referred to as the “father of the breed”. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Yorkshire Terriers conquered the world and appeared in all countries.

Breed description

The Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog, but at the same time very strong and portly. York is both muscular and graceful at the same time. The head of the breed is small, with a flattened arch, and the muzzle is slightly elongated. Medium sized eyes are round, shiny and very expressive. The miniature ears are V-shaped, erect and covered with soft curly hair, and a black button of the nasal lobe stands out on a touching muzzle. 

The tail is traditionally docked to medium length, although this is an optional procedure. The hair on the tail is usually much darker than on the rest of the body. 

The pride and calling card of the Yorkie is its thin, shiny and silky coat. In the classic breed standards, the coat is evenly parted and reaches a length almost to the floor. As for the color, most often Yorkies have a silver-blue color on the back and tail, and the chest, belly and head have a sandy golden hue.



The Yorkshire Terrier is a great companion for single people. He will become your friend from the first days of your acquaintance and will easily join your rhythm of life. Yorkies strive to be leaders, so you need to immediately show the dog who is the boss in the house: she should eat only after the owner, go home also after the owner. 

Yorkies get along well with other animals, especially cats, provided they have been raised together. The dog will get used to the new family member for some time. 

Yorkies are very fond of children, but it is better not to start this breed in a house with a small child. Guys can pinch them, drop them, and fragile Yorkies will get injured because of them. 

Terriers do not like loneliness, preferring to sit on the owner’s lap. If you still have to leave him alone, make sure that the Yorkie has something to do – prepare toys and small bones. So you save repairs in the house and whole interior items.

Care and maintenance

When getting a Yorkshire Terrier, remember to take good care of its coat. You have to comb the dog daily and very carefully, and also purchase several types of brushes, combs, and scissors. For the convenience of Yorkies, it is better to cut them short, for this you can turn to professional groomers. 

Yorkie wool contains a lot of dandruff, but no unpleasant odors come from the dog. But in order for the coat to be soft and smooth, the dog needs to be washed with a special hypoallergenic shampoo that will save the pet from possible skin problems. Please consult your veterinarian for the right product. You also need to buy a nail cutter and cut your dog’s nails once every two weeks. 

It is necessary to monitor the Yorkie’s teeth – clean them with a special paste and give special bones so that the oral cavity always remains clean. 

Йорки очень любят гулять и бегать, но, в целом, им хватит 1 часа в день на выгул. Стоит помнить, что в холодную и мокрую погоду эти крохотные собаки мерзнут, и нужно прикупить комбинезон для прогулок. 

As for the diet, Yorkies need to be fed super-premium dry food for small breeds. There should always be a cup of clean water next to food. The daily food intake should be divided into two meals.

Education and training

Yorkie is easy to train, the main thing is to attract the attention of this dog. All training should take place in the form of a game, and for correctly executed commands, the dog should receive tasty things and encouragement. 

It is not necessary to teach a Yorkie a general training course. It is enough for him to know the basic commands – “Fu”, “No”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Give a paw”. It is important that he does not “lose” his head while walking. It happens that you let him off the leash, and the Yorkie can run after a bird or other dog. The Yorkshire Terrier must obey his master unquestioningly and come running when his name is called. Many owners lose their pets because they don’t listen and run away. 

The puppy needs to be taught to the toilet outside, but due to its small size, Yorkies can “do their business” at home – on a diaper or in a tray.

Health and disease

Следить за здоровьем йорка очень просто. В щенячьем возрасте нужно поставить комплексную прививку. Каждый квартал нужно проводить дегельминтизацию. 

According to veterinarians, in order for Yorkies to live long and disease-free, they need to be fed with quality food, vaccinated, and walked every day. Many Yorkies can live up to 15 years. 

The most common Yorkie diseases include heart defects, kidney failure, and liver disease. Like all small breeds, Yorkies are often diagnosed with gum disease and teeth that often fall out. 

Remember that you do not need to treat yourself at home. If you notice that the dog is inactive, refuses to eat, you need to go to the veterinarian. 

Keep in mind that dogs can catch a cold due to the cold, so dress warmly, and in cold weather, it is better to stay at home.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about Yorkshire Terriers with veterinarian Denis Davydov.

How long does it take to walk a Yorkshire Terrier?

It is advisable to walk these dogs 3 times a day, in extreme cases 2: in the morning and in the evening. The walk should last as long as it brings pleasure to the pet, on average from 40 minutes to 1,5 hours a day.

Как реагируют йоркширские терьеры на других собак?

The breed is highly inquisitive. Dog barking is primarily a sign of “Attention!”. But Yorkies are primarily dogs that must listen to their owners, therefore, from an early age, they need to instill in them the correct manners of behavior, not only at home, but also on the street.

Do Yorkshire Terriers get cold in winter?

Unfortunately, the breed does not have a warming undercoat, and the slightest freezing threatens a number of diseases. And it will be better and more affordable to purchase a warm suit and shoes for a pet. 

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