Yoko Ono: biography, interesting facts, video

Yoko Ono: biography, interesting facts, video

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! “Yoko Ono: biography, interesting facts, video” – about the life of the avant-garde artist, singer, widow John Lennon.

Yoko Ono: a short biography

She is the most famous Japanese woman in the world. We know her, first of all, as the wife of the famous “Beatle”. But Yoko is also known for her musical and avant-garde artistic endeavors, as well as extravagant behavior throughout her life.

She was born in 1933 (Tokyo, Japan). She was brought up in an intelligent and wealthy family. She studied at a prestigious school, then at one of the most expensive colleges in America. In her youth, she dreamed of becoming an opera singer. Her height is 1,57 m, her zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Yoko Ono: biography, interesting facts, video

Behind her shoulders is not just a stormy life. In her youth, she ended up in a psychiatric hospital. She got married against the will of her parents. Then, in very dubious ways, she won the attention of John Lennon, breaking into his house and sending dubious parcels.

Femme fatale

Having achieved the favor of a popular musician, she broke the unspoken rule of the Beatles that outsiders are not present at the group’s rehearsals and do not influence the creative processes of the collective. Perhaps she was the catalyst for the collapse of the famous Liverpool four.

Many people like the early Beatles, that is, the one that was before Yoko Ono. And John Lennon is completely incomprehensible in the 70s.

This girl attracted Lennon’s attention so much that he agreed to participate in joint musical projects of very dubious content and quality. For example, in the joint group Plastic Ono Band.

The famous Asian woman showed the whole world what is the true role of a woman in a man’s life. That is, perhaps the most important one.

There are suggestions that without this fatal woman, Lennon’s fate could have turned out differently. For example, with his first wife Cynthia, who behaved much more modestly. A talented musician would have lived a longer life.

Yoko Ono: biography, interesting facts, video

Yoko Ono and John Lennon

However, his choice fell on an extravagant and obscure woman who turned his life upside down. The result, as you know, was sad. But this is a rather subjective opinion.


However, to be fair, Yoko Ono has taken place as an artist and as a musician, achieving worldwide recognition. Her musical works were at the top of the world charts (Starpeace, Hell in Paradise).

A strange, incomprehensible, shocking and talented lady still surprises. She is still active, she shocks and pleases the audience, for which she needs to be given credit. But it’s still a bit of a pity that Lennon chose her as a guiding star, leading him in the wrong place.

He could still stand on stage with his friend Paul McCartney, performing another hit. How much has been lost since his departure.

Yoko Ono: biography, interesting facts, video


  1. Toshi Itianagi.
  2. Anthony Cox.
  3. John Lennon.
  4. Sam Hwaedtoy.


  1. Kyoko Ono Cox – daughter (1963).
  2. Sean Taro Ono Lennon – son (1975).

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