
Benefits and uses of yohimbe

Yohimbe Description

Yohimbe is an unusual tree with a height of 10 to 25 meters. It has gray-brown, fissured bark, which is often overgrown with extensive lichens. The plant has a straight branching trunk. The length of the oval leaves reaches 10 cm. The small winged seeds are very thin. This tree prefers rich dryish soils. It grows well in partial shade. Yohimbe is incredibly sensitive to cold.

Its habitat is western Africa. In particular, Nigeria, the Cameroon Republic and the Congo. Such an evergreen plant from the unique Rubiaceae family does not like direct sunlight.

Useful properties of yohimbe

The main active ingredients of the plant are alkaloids, yohimbine, a dye and tannic acid. Yohimbe also contains allo-yohimbine, alkaloids, yamalin, indole, corynanthine, corynantheine, dihydrocorynantheine, and aymalicine. A special tree bark is considered a powerful drug for a significant increase in potency. It stimulates the production of testosterone, the main male hormone. This kind of stimulant of sexuality at the same time helps to lower blood pressure.

When used in moderate doses of the drug, yohimbine causes a special rush of blood to the skin and mucous membranes in the area of ​​​​the main organ of the small pelvis, which in turn restores and significantly prolongs the erection. Thanks to the simultaneous stimulation of the activity of all the nerve nodes of the important spinal cord, it is possible to control an erection, increase sexual arousal, so that the orgasm becomes more powerful.

In addition, taking yohimbe slightly changes the perception of the environment, causing a pleasant euphoria. In addition to increasing sexual arousal properties, yohimbe has antidiuretic, hypertensive, antiatherogenic, hypotensive, cardiac sedative, antiviral, local anesthetic, tonic, uterine vasodilator.

The unique stimulating effect on the thyroid gland should also be mentioned. Various plant-based remedies are indicated for nervous disorders, as they have a mild effect on the central nervous system. According to some reports, accelerated growth of muscle mass has been noticed. With regular use of yohimbe, you can not only improve potency, but also tighten your figure, getting rid of excess weight.

This tree is considered an excellent tool that amazingly stimulates protein synthesis in tissues, providing a general strengthening effect on the human body. Also, after a long course of treatment, in addition to the tonic effect, performance will increase significantly.

Application of yohimbe

To date, yohimbe is often prescribed for neurasthenia, angina pectoris and arteriosclerosis. It not only increases testosterone levels, but is also effective for low sperm counts. Women are prescribed a drug for menopause. It has been proven that the plant has an additional effect on weight loss during menopause. It should be mentioned that it is indispensable for depression and stress, chronic fatigue and asthenic conditions, as well as erectile dysfunction and significantly increased blood pressure.

In combination with energy drinks, yohimbe loses some of its healing properties. To increase potency, you can recommend a special cocktail made on the basis of the incomparable yohimbe bark. You will need 25 grams of dried raw materials, which should be poured with 500 ml of boiling water. Put the mixture on low heat and boil for about 20 minutes. After preparing the product, you can add sugar or honey if desired. The cocktail is drunk warm, no more than 70 ml at a time before meals.

To create a tonic, in addition to the bark of a tree, you will need coriander and mint. Half a teaspoon, which contains approximately 5 grams of well-ground bark, is mixed with honey, mint and fresh coriander leaves. The resulting mixture must be poured with a glass of hot water. 10 minutes after cooling, the drink is drunk in small sips.

Yohimbe contraindications

During pregnancy, the use of various drugs, infusions and cocktails is strictly prohibited. You should also be careful with diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and diabetes. With excessive use of the bark of the tree, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, paralysis, enteritis, nephritis, sweating, excessive overexcitation, fatigue, vasculitis may occur, and the pupils dilate. Cases with an overdose of arterial hypertension are not uncommon.

The maximum dose of yohimbe per day should not exceed 25 grams of bark. Children under seven years of age and the elderly should not be treated with drugs. Since the plant contains monoamine oxidases, it is undesirable to use these drugs along with other chemical medicines, as well as with chocolate.

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