Yoghurt diet – three days, for amateurs, quick. Principles, effects, menu for a yoghurt diet

Like most weight loss diets, the yogurt diet requires consultation with your doctor. Weight loss is not the only way that any dietary change affects our body, so it is worth asking your dietitian for advice before you start. It is especially important to diagnose any problems with protein and lactose metabolism before using a yoghurt diet based on (as the name suggests) dairy products. Also contraindications will be fungal diseases and kidney disorders. A high intake of dietary fiber plays an important role in the yogurt diet, so it must not be used in the case of digestive system diseases, such as inflammation and hypersensitivity of the intestinal mucosa. Only healthy people whose goal is to get rid of constipation, cleanse the body and reduce body weight will benefit from it.

Yogurt diet: 3 days?

You can read a lot of opinions online like this: «I struggled with my weight for a long time. The solution turned out to be yogurt diet! I lost 3 kg in just 3 days! ». Are they real? They seem unlikely, but such weight fluctuations are possible in such a short time. This is related to the significant acceleration of metabolism achieved thanks to yogurt diet. By consuming large amounts of products containing live bacteria cultures, we support the development of a balanced intestinal flora, which improves metabolism. Therefore, an important indication in yogurt diet will be intensive hydration of the body. Even if the desired effects diet brings it very quickly, it is not recommended to drop it before the end of the week. Correct menu yogurt diet can be composed relatively easily as it does not belong to diet extremely restrictive. Its essence is the acceleration of intestinal peristalsis and fast metabolism, combined with the reduced caloric content of food, thanks to which the body uses the accumulated reserves. The value can also be assessed highly yogurt diet as detoxifying. To sum up: a 3-day cleansing preceded by a 3-day preparation has a chance to bring desired effects.

Yogurt diet for amateurs

Of course, it’s best to plan your menu together with a dietitian. However, if we are after consulting a doctor and we already know that there are no contraindications in our case yogurt diet, there are a few main rules to follow when composing our menu. First of all, the one rich in natural yogurt A reduction diet is definitely not: fresh fruit and vegetables, also boiled, and even meat and fish should appear in it – with an indication that the more fiber there is, the better. Each meal also includes jogurt. Sometimes its name is also used to describe it oat-yoghurt dietbecause a frequently used breakfast element is a cocktail with the addition of oatmeal. The high quality of the dairy products constituting the center is extremely important yogurt diet. Apart from yogurt it can also be kefir. The main disadvantage yogurt diet for many people it is relatively expensive, because good quality dairy products containing live bacteria are simply quite expensive.

Good jogurt in addition to the beneficial bacterial flora, it will provide the body with calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, as well as B1 and B2. In selecting dairy products suitable for yogurt diet will help us to study the composition of the product. It should contain as few items as possible – especially preservatives, dyes and thickeners. The best thing to do would be to prepare yogurt at homethen we can be sure that it will not contain any harmful substances. However, if we dream of being fast yogurt diet, we can look for the right products in the store.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns. When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in specific nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be devastating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and may also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

Fast yoghurt diet

To fast yogurt diet we prepare for min. 3 days, eating 5 light meals a day. We try to eliminate fats and gradually increase the proportion of cooked vegetables and fruit juices. The day before the introduction yogurt detox Eat your last meal at least 3 hours before bedtime. Welcome the day with a smoothie of banana juice and oatmeal with a spoonful of the best quality natural yogurt. The second breakfast and lunch should increase the amount of consumption yogurt – you can prepare a salad of boiled or baked beetroot, carrots or broccoli sprinkled with your favorite seeds and a half-cup dip yogurt and favorite herbs. Limit the use of salt in your food and drink 3-4 glasses of water between meals. Around 16:00 PM or 18:00 PM you can afford lean meat in yoghurt sauce. The second and third days should be similarly planned, taking into account the role of mineral water, vegetables and olive oil. Frying and sweet and salty snacks are definitely not allowed. We continue to eat for the next week yoghurtsgradually limiting their content in the daily menu.

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