Losing weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 700 Kcal.
Yogurt is considered one of the healthiest types of fermented milk products. Many people, young and old, love him very much. If you belong to the category of yogurt lovers and want to slightly transform your figure, you can turn to one of the options for this diet.
The three most popular options are for 3, 7 and 10 days, respectively. Your choice depends on how many pesky kilos you want to say no to. Weight loss per diet-time is usually from 2 to 6 kilograms.
Yogurt diet requirements
This diet was developed by Dr. Zeik, a nutritionist from Germany. This happened, according to sources, more than 70 years ago. At first, it was tested by visitors to an elite sanatorium in Switzerland, who were more than satisfied with the results. Later, the yogurt diet began to spread among ordinary people and has successfully reached our time.
If you decide to try this diet, do not rush to the store for yogurt. It is definitely worth giving up the various fruit types of this product, since they, as a rule, contain sugar, which is prohibited by this technique. And other supplements are unlikely to benefit the body either. As a last resort, purchase an empty low-fat or low-fat product and be careful not to contain sugar in its composition.
But the best way out of the situation is to make yoghurt yourself. Here is his recipe. You will need 1-3 liters of pasteurized milk (depending on how many products you want to prepare at a time) and dry yoghurt culture (you can buy it in many pharmacies). Pour this milk into a sterilized dish, boil, cool to about 40 degrees. Now mix a little milk with the yoghurt culture and add the mixture to the main amount of liquid.
It is recommended to infuse homemade yogurt in a yogurt maker or in a thermos. Before placing the liquid in it, the thermos should be doused with boiling water and wiped thoroughly. Having tightly closed the temporary habitat of the future yogurt, you need to let it brew for 12 to 14 hours. Note that the longer the yogurt costs, the more sour it turns out. Now this mixture needs to be sent to the refrigerator so that it will stand there for a couple of hours and thicken.
By the way, live yogurt can be consumed not only during dietary time. You can always drink it, fill it with oatmeal and various salads. Yogurt serves as an excellent alternative to high-calorie and frankly unhealthy mayonnaise. Try it! Chances are, you won’t want to go back to the mischievous favorite of a host of holiday feasts.
To spice up the yogurt, if you are going to season a vegetable or meat salad, dilute it a little with lemon juice or soy sauce. In general, there are a lot of options for its application. Use your imagination.
Now we propose to talk in more detail directly about the types of yogurt diet. In the shortest three-day version, you should consume up to 500 g of yogurt and apples of any kind (3 each) daily. There is also a more gentle subspecies of the same short-term yoghurt weight loss method. Its essence is that in the morning yoghurt should be combined with fruits, at lunchtime – with meat products, and in the evenings – with vegetables, fruits or cottage cheese.
It is worth giving up salt during weight loss. And from liquids, in addition to yogurt, you should give preference to unsweetened green tea, pure water. Occasionally you can afford a cup of coffee, but also without any additives.
A longer yoghurt diet lasts one week. The daily diet can include up to 500 g of yogurt, 400 g of non-starchy fruits and vegetables, 150 g of lean meat or fish / seafood, 2 glasses of freshly squeezed juice, herbs, green and herbal teas and decoctions. The last meal is recommended 3-4 hours before bedtime.
The longest-running diet is the 10-day makeover course. When composing your menu, take the following rule as a basis. Every day you can eat 500 g of natural yogurt, apples and various citrus fruits (up to 300 g), a handful of berries, several non-starchy vegetables, about 100 g of lean meat, fish or seafood. It is permissible to diversify the diet with several glasses of freshly squeezed fruit juice (except for grape).
Remember that you need to leave any variant of the yogurt diet very smoothly and measuredly, gradually adding prohibited foods and not increasing the calorie content above 1400-1500 calories. Otherwise, you risk returning extra pounds with interest.
Yoghurt diet for 3 days (option 1)
Note… The menu below is repeated daily. Make sure that the total amount of sour milk products consumed per day does not exceed the recommended 500 g. If this technique is easily tolerated by the body, and you want to modernize your figure a little more and reduce the volume, it is allowed to extend it up to 5 days, but no more.
: a serving of yogurt.
: an Apple.
: a serving of yogurt.
Afternoon snack
: an Apple.
: a serving of yogurt.
Late Dinner
: an Apple.
Yoghurt diet for 3 days (option 2)
Note… In addition to the foods described below, consume 150 g of natural yogurt with each meal.
Day 1
: 1 medium apple up to 150 ml of juice squeezed from fresh fruit or a cup of empty green tea.
: 100 g lean meat, cooked without adding oil a small portion of vegetable salad (best of all tomato-cucumber, sprinkled with lemon juice); a glass of pomegranate juice, which is recommended to be diluted with water.
Afternoon snack
: salad from your favorite fruits, just do not use starchy ones.
: A serving of stewed non-starchy vegetables 200 ml of squeezed orange juice.
Day 2
: 1 large orange; green tea.
: 100 g of meat, stewed or boiled; 200 ml unconcentrated (with the addition of water) pomegranate juice.
Afternoon snack
: apple and green tea.
: chop fresh cabbage and sprinkle with lemon juice; drink 200 ml of orange juice.
Day 3
: a handful of your favorite berries and up to 50 g of pistachios or other nuts.
: 100 g of boiled or baked meat and cabbage salad.
Afternoon snack
: 2 kiwi and green tea.
: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) with one apple.
: any fruit and green tea or herbal infusion.
: 150 g of yogurt, to which you can add a little cereal or dried fruit; vegetable or fruit weighing up to 100 g.
: light vegetable puree soup (or just soup) plus vegetable or fruit salad, seasoned with a little yogurt.
Afternoon snack
: a glass of freshly squeezed juice from your favorite fruit.
: fish or meat up to 150 g, cooked without added fat; vegetable salad; a few tablespoons of yogurt (you can use it yourself, you can season the salad).
: 150 g yogurt, which can be filled with up to 20 g of your favorite dried fruit; 100 ml unsweetened fruit juice.
: 100 g of boiled meat; salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, herbs; 100 ml of yoghurt and the same amount of juice of your choice.
Afternoon snack
: vegetable salad dressed with yogurt.
: 100 ml of yogurt and fresh juice; stewed cabbage with onions, carrots and tomatoes.
Contraindications to the yogurt diet
This diet has no contraindications for relatively healthy people.
- With caution and only after consulting a doctor, pregnant and lactating women, adolescents and the sick can sit on this diet.
- Losing weight on yogurt is prohibited for people with individual intolerance to this fermented milk product or other auxiliary products used in various diet options.
Benefits of a yogurt diet
This diet has a number of distinct advantages.
- First, the balance of the diet, if we talk about the weekly and ten-day options.
- It is also worth noting that this diet is clearly not tasteless. After all, it includes vegetables, fruits, berries and other tasty and healthy products. You probably won’t even notice that you are on a diet, and with the right mindset, you can transform your figure tasty and healthy.
- It is unlikely that you will have to face a feeling of acute hunger, even if you choose for yourself a rather strict first version of the yogurt transformation. Yogurt, even in small amounts, coats the stomach, helping to quickly convince the brain that you feel full and making dieting as comfortable as possible.
- It has been scientifically proven that the consumption of 200 g of natural yogurt per day can significantly increase the immune system. The substances found in yogurt serve as helpers for the gastrointestinal tract. They regulate its correct work and help to rehabilitate more quickly after suffering infectious diseases of various kinds.
- Yogurt also has an excellent effect on the intestinal microflora, being a powerful prophylactic agent against fungal ailments.
- And the presence of calcium, potassium and magnesium in the composition of yogurt helps in the prevention of caries, osteoporosis and prevents the occurrence of hypertension.
- We also note that the use of yogurt promotes better absorption of other substances that come with food. The lactic acid contained in it remarkably takes away the useful calcium from the milk we drink, and does everything possible to ensure that the body gets the maximum benefit from it.
- Yogurt also lowers bad cholesterol in our body.
Well, do you still doubt that yogurt has the right to permanently settle in your diet?
Disadvantages of a yogurt diet
- The disadvantages of the diet include the special passion for it of some people who are especially eager to lose weight. It is not difficult to do this on it. Continuing diet options for longer than the specified time frame, you can lose more pounds, but this is fraught with a metabolic failure and a general blow to the body. In this regard, a large number of lost kilograms will probably return. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to exceed the recommended diet duration.
- To the difficulties of the yogurt diet, many experienced losing weight refer to the fact that you need to cook this product yourself or look for a really high-quality analogue. This can take some time and sometimes discourages the desire to transform in this way.
- If you previously ate very plentifully, you will probably still feel hunger on the first day or two on the diet. But then, as noted by those losing weight, you get involved. If you endure it at the beginning, everything goes well.
Re-doing the yogurt diet
It is not recommended to repeat the weekly or ten-day version of this diet in the next month. But one of the types of three-day yogurt weight loss can be carried out 2 times a month, as an alternative to fasting days, in order to avoid gaining excess weight (of course, adhering to a moderate diet the rest of the time).