Yoga workouts for beginners (Yoga)

Lack of movement and daily stress lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. These problems can be prevented with the help of yoga, the Hindu doctrine of a healthy lifestyle.

Difficulty level: For beginners

First of all, you need to understand that yoga is not just fitness aimed at strengthening muscles and joints. But this is not a mystical teaching that allows you to soar in the air in the lotus position. Yoga is the science of a healthy lifestyle, inner harmony and balance. This teaching helps to achieve a balance between the physical and emotional state of a person, improve the body and cope with stress.

In general, we can say that yoga classes allow a person to reveal hidden possibilities. But each of us comes to this teaching for our own reasons. Also Read: Energy Yoga Workouts

People start practicing yoga in order to

  1. Resolve conflicts with yourself or with other people.
  2. Get stronger and healthier.
  3. Develop intellectual abilities.
  4. Learn about Indian culture.

Regardless of the purpose of training, a person benefits from yoga. He becomes more positive and healthy physically, accepts the events taking place in his life easier, easily controls emotions, soberly assesses his capabilities and strives for self-improvement.

Training needs to be prepared emotionally and physically. Otherwise, the effect of training will be significantly reduced. Also Read: Aero Yoga Workouts

If you are planning to practice yoga, please follow these requirements:

  1. Do not eat 3 hours before training. With severe hunger, you can afford a light salad or juice.
  2. Do not conduct classes after strong physical exertion or stress.
  3. Be sure to take a shower before exercising.

For classes, you will need a comfortable mat. It is better to choose a specialized model with a rubberized surface. It does not slip on the floor during training. You may also need special pads, rollers and a belt. These accessories are used in some asanas.

From clothes, choose loose-fitting models that do not restrict movement. It can be a regular tracksuit or leggings with a T-shirt. Also Read: Yoga Therapy Workouts

Top XNUMX reasons to start yoga

There are many reasons for practicing yoga. But of these, 5 of the most important can be distinguished. Let’s consider them in more detail.

Reason 1. Health care

  • get rid of back pain and improve the spine;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems;
  • restore reproductive functions;
  • increase body flexibility and improve posture;
  • reduce blood viscosity;
  • strengthen bones;
  • boost immunity.

Reason 2. Weight loss

With regular yoga classes, body weight is reduced by 20%. This happens not only due to physical exertion, but also due to the spiritual impact of asanas. By influencing a person’s emotions, yoga eliminates stress and the accompanying desire to eat.

Reason 3. Stabilization of moods

By practicing yoga, you will stop suffering from mood swings and will react less to stressful situations. As a result, you will be able to combine relaxation with full concentration. Regular meditation will help you get rid of chronic fatigue and depression. You will feel the joy of any pleasant events more sharply.

Reason 4. Accumulation of energy

This science teaches to accumulate vital energy and reboot mentally and physically without spending the resources of the body. For example, during fifteen minutes of relaxation, a practicing yogi can rest just as if he had slept all night.

Reason 5. New perception of yourself and the world around you

Yoga classes help to understand yourself and your place in the world. They develop intuition, willpower and self-confidence. A person begins to see a new meaning in life and tries to change the situation in his favor.

Five basic yoga exercises

  1. simple asana – Sitting on the mat, place one foot under the knee of the other leg. Do the same with the second foot. In this position, straighten your back as much as possible and bend your lower back forward.
  2. rock pose -Kneeling, sit on your heels and place your hands on your hips. Keep your back straight.
  3. Pose “Dog face down”  – Put your hands and feet on the floor, raising your pelvis high, lowering your head and stretching your neck. Your position should resemble a triangle. In this case, the feet should be shoulder-width apart.
  4. Pose “Cat-Cow”  – Get on your knees, rest your palms on the floor, press your chin to your chest and arch your back up. The knees should be strictly under the hips, and the palms should be shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, bend your back down and raise your head as high as possible. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  5. Cobra Pose  – Lie on your stomach and put your hands under your shoulders. Gently straighten your arms at the elbows, bending back and raising your head up.

Recommendations and contraindications for yoga 

Yoga classes are simply necessary for osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, headaches, constipation, asthma, depression and a sedentary lifestyle. But you must remember that this practice is contraindicated in hypertension, congenital heart disease, epilepsy and gallstones. Also, never do yoga after taking alcohol and psychotropic medications.

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