Yoga for weight loss: detailed tips

Calm practice can be as effective as cardio workouts. We didn’t believe, but the expert convinced us.

Everyone knows that yoga is an excellent practice that is good for the body, helps to achieve mental balance and tighten muscle tone. A huge plus in the classes is that they are suitable for absolutely everyone, no matter what physical training a person has. The main reason why many people go to yoga is the search for harmony between soul and body. But some are not tuned in to the spiritual, but to the physical, which is weight loss. We thought about whether it is really possible to lose weight by performing not always simple asanas, and decided to ask an expert.

Yoga coach at Five Concept Fitness

With well-designed practice, you can get a toned body without exhausting training and stressful loads, getting real pleasure from the practice. Yoga is a powerful tool for managing our internal processes, including metabolism

Metabolism is the same metabolism that is influenced by various biochemical processes. Sometimes a person’s metabolism slows down for a number of reasons, the main ones being a sedentary lifestyle, an improper diet, and a lack of water balance. Yoga works to speed up the metabolism and burn calories much faster.

“Working in static asanas with your own weight perfectly works the muscles of the whole body, and constant control of breathing and movement (dynamics) significantly increases the effect of burning fat during practice,” explains Evgenia Tyapchenko.

Of course, a lot depends on the teacher and the type of yoga. For example, there is power yoga, which is based on active work with the body. It will not only help you lose extra pounds, but also significantly relieve your mind. The main question is how often you need to practice in order to see the result and where to find motivation.

“Having practiced yoga for over 10 years, I can say that if you like the process of doing yoga, it will not be difficult to find time. It is optimal to practice at least 3 times a week. Regularity and involvement in the process is the key to the desired and permanent result, ”says Yevgenia Tyapchenko.

Do not forget that for a quick result, you also need to limit yourself to food. As Evgeniya says: “Of course, yoga is a ‘magic’ system of working with the body, but if you also practice fried steaks at night, the result will be appropriate.”

Beauty editor

Despite the fact that I am thin, my body was flabby. Since I don’t like the gym, I decided to find alternatives.

I started doing yoga a few months ago, after some time I noticed that the quality of the skin has improved. True, in order to achieve results, I did it several times a week. Much workout of the muscles occurs during asanas with your own body. I think that every month the muscles will be more prominent.

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