Yoga is indispensable if you need to relax and relieve stress. And some asanas will help you become more confident in bed and get more pleasure from sex.
What’s the secret? It’s simple: by performing appropriate asanas, we strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, improve stretching, train awareness and a sense of the present. What else do you need for good sex?
1. Surya Namaskara, Salutation to the Sun
Begin in the “prayer pose”—feet together, arms folded across the chest in prayer. Exhale slowly. Then inhale slowly, raise your arms above your head and look up. Try to breathe slowly, do not take sharp breaths and exhalations. Exhaling, lean forward and grab your ankles. If it is still difficult to do this, do not worry – over time, the stretch will improve and everything will work out. Inhale, straighten your back and look ahead.
The next asana is the horseman’s pose. Get into a plank position, bend one leg at the knee and put it forward, put your hands at the level of the bent leg, stretch your neck and look up. Inhale slowly.
Straighten your legs and bend back, placing your hands on the mat in front of you. This is the snake posture. Exhale.
Then put your hands and feet on the mat and bend over with your head down and your back perfectly straight – this pose is called “mountain”. Try to stay in this position for five breaths. Straighten up, look ahead, raise your arms above your head. Exhaling slowly, fold them against your chest.
What are the benefits? Asana Sun Salutation fills with energy, trains muscles, improves stretching, and also helps to achieve harmony with your body. Repeat the pose five times a day for peace and balance.
2. Mula Bandha, Lower Castle
Sit on the mat, cross your legs and relax. Close your eyes, breathe deeply. Slowly squeeze and unclench your pelvic floor muscles. Repeat 15 times.
What are the benefits? In Sanskrit, mula means root and bandha means castle. Mula Bandha strengthens and tones the intimate muscles, which (over time) will give you and your partner a whole new sensation during sex.
3. Vajarasana, Diamond Pose
Get on your knees, place your feet flat on the floor, rest your buttocks on your heels and place your palms on your knees. Keep your back straight and straight, but do not tense up. Breathe deeply. Stay in this position for 5-10 minutes.
What are the benefits? The secret to the seemingly simple pose of Vajarasana is long practice. It enhances blood circulation in the lower back and in the organs of the pelvic floor, soothes and fills with energy and strength.
4. Salamba Sarvangasana, Stand on your shoulders
Place a soft blanket on the mat. Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Exhale, lift your lower body and bring your legs behind your head. Rest your elbows on the floor and support your back with your palms. Slowly raise your legs and keep them at a right angle to the floor. Close your eyes and hold this position for 10-20 breaths.
What are the benefits? Sarvangasana improves blood flow and affects hormonal balance.
5. Halasana, Plow Pose
Lie on your back, straighten your legs, press your hands completely to the floor, palms down. Exhale, lift your lower body and bring your legs behind your head. Touch your toes to the floor. Hold the pose for 10-20 breaths.
What is the benefit? Like Sarvangasana, Halasana regulates hormonal balance and improves blood flow. What allows us to get more pleasure from sex, as well as reach orgasm faster!