- 1. Tilt forward while sitting. Sukhasana
- 2. Tilt forward while standing. Uttanasana
- 3. Child’s posture. Balasana
- 4. Plow pose. Halasana
- 5. Feet on the wall. It evaporates
- 6. Posture of the corpse. Savasana
- 7. Lying twist position. Supta matsyendrasana
- 8. Spinal twist. Ardha matsyendrasana
- 9. Pose of a butterfly. Supta baddha konasana
- 10. Inhale through the left nostril. surya bhedana
By doing these ten asanas at night, we can reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality, or get rid of insomnia, says yoga teacher Vida Bilkus.
We have a hard time falling asleep because we can’t stop thinking. We wake up at night because even in sleep we are stressed. But the less we sleep, the more we drive ourselves into a state of anxiety. Yoga can help break this vicious circle. Over the years of practice, I have noticed that the most relaxed and happy clients are those who come to classes in the evenings, after work. Especially if they also practice breathing exercises.
So why not do it for everyone? Going to the studio, refusing dinner, is not necessary. Simple asanas can be done at home, before going to bed.
1. Tilt forward while sitting. Sukhasana
Asana is accessible even to a beginner. Sit on the mat, cross your legs and lean forward with your arms outstretched. Try to press your hands to the floor to the elbows. Do the exercise slowly. If you feel tension in your hips, place a pillow under you.
2. Tilt forward while standing. Uttanasana
Stand on the mat and place your feet 15 centimeters apart from each other. Lean forward, stretch your arms and clasp your ankles with your palms. Your elbows should touch your knees. If the stretch does not allow, bend over a little and bend your knees — the tension in the hips and under the knees will gradually go away. Helps relieve headaches and stress.
3. Child’s posture. Balasana
One of the obligatory asanas in all yoga classes, this pose helps to calm the mind and get rid of tension in the body. Sit on your knees, lean forward, press your forehead and outstretched arms to the floor. Take slow, deep breaths.
4. Plow pose. Halasana
It is enough to stand in this asana for five minutes in the evening to quickly fall asleep. Place something soft under your shoulders, such as a towel or pillow. Lie on your back, make a «birch», and then slowly begin to lower your legs behind your head. Either press your hands to the floor, or support yourself behind your back. The posture improves blood circulation.
5. Feet on the wall. It evaporates
Ideal for evening relaxation. Lay a mat against the wall, lie down on it with your legs straight on the wall. Relax, breathe evenly, for greater effect, put a sleep mask over your eyes.
6. Posture of the corpse. Savasana
Asana as if turns on the «sleep mode» of our body. Lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body and relax. Watch your breath, listen to your body. Imagine one uneasy thought leaving you with each exhalation.
7. Lying twist position. Supta matsyendrasana
Easy to do right in bed. Lying on your back, stretch your arms out to the sides so that your body forms the shape of a cross. Bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. Keeping your head and hands on the floor (bed), turn both legs to the left side. Turn your head to the right and look at the right hand. Just a few minutes in this position will help relieve tension in the spine, stretch the muscles well and improve digestion.
8. Spinal twist. Ardha matsyendrasana
Asana smoothly stretches the spine, relaxing it, and with it the whole body. Sit on the mat, stretch your legs. Bend your right leg and pull it towards your chest. Using your right hand for support, grab your knee with your left, and move your foot behind your left thigh. Turn right. Breathe slowly and evenly.
9. Pose of a butterfly. Supta baddha konasana
If you are doing this asana for the first time, place pillows under your back and knees. Lying on your back, bend your knees and spread them apart like butterfly wings, trying to press your knees to the floor. If you feel tension in your legs, lower them slowly, it will soon pass. Place one hand on your heart and the other on your stomach. Close your eyes. Focus on your heartbeat and breathing.
10. Inhale through the left nostril. surya bhedana
Sit cross-legged. Close the right nostril with your thumb. Take 10 deep breaths in and out through your left nostril. Usually my clients start to fall asleep already by the fifth breath, I start wanting to sleep after three. Very efficient.