Yoga for colds: 7 asanas to support immunity in the fall

Autumn is a time for strong spirits and immunity: otherwise, the cycle of minor ailments and viral infections seems almost inevitable. Hatha yoga instructor Liliya Kartseva talks about how to increase the body’s defenses, not get sick, and if symptoms of illness have already appeared, get rid of them as quickly as possible.

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Important: asanas should not be practiced with elevated temperature. During yoga practice, breathing is carried out only through the nose.

Any set of exercises begins with a warm-up. You can use any known option or dance to the music for a couple of minutes.

Nose cleansing – Kapalabhati

Sitting with a straight back, close one nostril with your finger, a light touch will be enough. Breathing is done through the free nostrils, without the help of the mouth. Make an active strong exhalation, contracting the abdominal muscles so that the air comes out in a sharp stream. Inhalation occurs effortlessly through the same nostril.

The Kapalabhati technique resembles the operation of a pump. After 20-30 repetitions, change the nostril.

Complex “Salutation to the Sun” – Surya Namaskar

Warming up, movement, short aerobic exercise are especially useful in the cold season. The combination of backbends, tilts and dynamic ligaments helps keep all body systems in good shape. To achieve the desired result, perform at least 6-12 cycles of the complex.

1. Starting position. Stand with your feet together. The back is extended, the crown is directed upwards, the lower back is without deflection, the arms are in “namaste”.

2. Deflection. Leaving your back straight, stretch your arms up behind your head, emphasizing the deflection in the chest.

3. Tilt. Lower yourself down, bending your knees slightly so that the tilt does not stretch your knees and lower back too much.

4. Step left foot back. Bend your right leg at the knee, take a step back with your left. The weight on the feet is evenly distributed. The right knee is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, the left leg remains straight and in good shape.

5. Plank. Take your right leg back and stretch in one line.

6. Deflection “Zigzag”. Lower your knees, chest, and chin to the floor without wringing your lower back. The shoulders are pressed to the body and help to bend in the thoracic region.

7. Deflection “Sphinx”. Sit on the floor with your hands on your forearms, elbows under your shoulder joints, shoulder width apart. Pressing your hands to the floor, move your shoulders down in a circular motion and pull your chest.

8. Downward facing dog. Pushing off the floor with your hands, take the pelvis up. It is better to slightly bend your knees: the goal of the pose is not to tighten the arms, but to stretch the back.

9. Step left foot forward.

10. Tilt. Feet together, knees slightly bent.

11. Deflection. Gently rise to a standing position and backbend.

12. Starting position.

Outside the bar on his hands – Chaturanga Dandasana

Supports and balances on the hands activate blood flow in the upper body: in the throat and lungs. Static load and dynamic push-ups help boost immunity and successfully fight off colds.

Place your hands shoulder-width apart, pressing your palms tightly and extending your fingers so that there is no empty space between your palms and the floor. Stretch the body in one line – the lower back should not sag down. To do this, pull the coccyx, like a hook, towards the floor. Keep your knees straight and toned. Hold the pose for 30-40 seconds.

You can add push-ups or a plank on the forearms.

Inverted poses – “Plow” (Halasana) and “Birch” (Salamba Sarvangasana)

These asanas help to enrich brain cells with oxygen, which affects all organs and systems of the body, improving metabolism and hormonal levels.

If you have no experience in yoga practice, it is better to replace these asanas with lying on the floor against the wall, lifting your legs up perpendicular to the floor.

Technique for performing the “Plow”

From a prone position, lift your legs, slowly move them behind your head, controlling the extension of your back so that the stretch is even. Hands in the castle behind the line of the back on the floor, the back of the head touches the floor, the neck is extended. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds.

Technique for performing “Birches”

From the “Plow” position, gently move your legs vertically upwards, leaving support on your shoulders, supporting your back with your hands. The back remains in good shape, it is important not to allow a strong stretch or crease in the neck.

If there is severe discomfort, you can change the position: move the support of the hands closer to the pelvis, and direct the legs to the floor behind the head – position yourself like the letter “C”. Hold the pose for at least 3 minutes if possible.

Bending Pose – Setu Bandhasana

Such a deflection has a positive effect on the thoracic region, helping to cope not only with a cold, but also with a sore throat.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor, strictly hip-width apart. Raise your pelvis and bend, trying to avoid a crease in the lower back, while opening the chest. Interlace your fingers in a lock, placing your hands on the floor under your back: this will help accentuate the deflection in the thoracic region.

Stay in the asana for 30-40 seconds.

Rest – Savasana

Often colds are associated with lifestyle and overwork. Savasana helps to relieve fatigue in a matter of minutes, restore strength and become more active and energetic.

Asana is performed in the supine position with closed eyes. You can cover yourself with a blanket, put a small roller under your head or knees. Try to relax, focusing on each part of the body in turn, without changing the chosen direction (for example, from the feet to the top of the head). Try to focus on the sensations in the observed part of the body, without being distracted by thoughts.

Take at least 10 minutes to rest.

About expert

Lilia Kartseva I am a certified yoga instructor with 11 years of teaching experience.

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