Yoga for babies: an adept mom testifies

Why did you choose yoga for your daughter?

I had taken lessons in yoga, intended for pregnant women or having just given birth, with the same teacher. They had given me a lot of serenity, while helping me to find myself better in my body after the ordeal of pregnancy and childbirth. I had appreciated the personality of this teacher. So I was curious to see him at work with the 2 – 3 year olds. My daughter being very active and not very inclined to take a nap, I told myself that it could bring her a little Weighting, teach him to loosen and to be calmer.

Since when ?

We started at the start of the school year (early September), at the rate of one session per week, each for 30 minutes.

What does this activity give him?

So far, and unlike half of the other kids participating in yoga, it hasn’t had an effect on his nap behavior and limitless “punch”. However, she approaches the world in a new way. She has been doing musical awakening since last year for children aged 9 to 36 months. In these courses (which we also like a lot), the activity is largely based on mimicry.

In yoga, we start with a concept. We explain the concept to the child and ask him to apply it (that’s how I see it). She brings up new things that I wouldn’t have thought affordable for her, but which she integrates very well. I am totally “amazed”! For example, since September, we have been working on breathing, relaxation and tone, body parts… In the evening or the following days, she talks about it again and does the exercises again. She is very proud to share this with her brothers and her father. She is no longer the one to whom we teach!

Her entourage is happy to discover, thanks to her, an unknown domain. She is also happy to do an activity with other children and parents. There are times when some little ones don’t seem to participate in what’s going on. The parent often sees it as a frustration or a failure. But this is quickly put into perspective when in the evening or the next day, the child spontaneously exercises outside of the session.

Your record?

I continue and recommend it!

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