Yin Qiao San
Traditional therapeutic uses
Main indications: flu and colds in spring and summer, mumps, measles in the early stages, roseola, chickenpox, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
In Chinese energy, this preparation has the function of eliminating the Internal Toxic Heat and the Wind Humidity External Heat.
Associated symptoms : fever without sweating, headache, muscle pain and stiffness, stuffy nose, cough with phlegm, redness and inflammation of the skin caused by a germ, red tongue, greasy and white or yellow coating.
As this preparation comes in different forms and strengths, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Short term use.
This preparation was created to fight infectious diseases in children. In the latter, all infections quickly transform into Internal Heat because of their very Yang nature. Some microbes produce Toxic Internal Heat such as measles, mumps, pharyngitis, etc. Yin Qiao San suitable for spring and summer flu because the Energy of these seasons is more Yang and causes more Heat. This preparation is suitable for the early stages of infectious diseases, as it does not contain toning plants. If the disease does not follow its normal cycle, for example, influenza that lasts more than ten days, it is best to see a traditional Chinese medicine therapist and doctor. All infections must be fought quickly.
This preparation is cited in the volume Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Systems for differentiating febrifugal diseases) written by the famous doctor Wu Jo-Tong in 1798.
In a test on rats in which a fever was induced with endotoxins, Chinese researchers showed that this preparation, along with seven other preparations from traditional Chinese medicine, could effectively lower the fever in treated rats.1
- Because of the refreshing and drying properties of this preparation, it is contraindicated for infections showing signs of Cold: chilliness, need to cover oneself, cough with white phlegm, pale tongue with a white coating.
There is a large amount of products designed following the model of this traditional preparation. However, some of them contain synthetic drugs without this necessarily being indicated on the packaging. It is advisable to stick to products that have a reliable certification as to their quality and integrity.
Nom en pin yin | Pharmaceutical name | Therapeutic actions |
Jin Yin Hua | Lonicera japonica flower (honeysuckle flowers) | Disperses External Heat, eliminates toxins |
Lian Qiao | Fruit suspended forsythiae (fruits of forsythia) | Disperses External Heat, eliminates toxins |
Niu Bang Zi | The fruit lappae (fruit of the great burdock) | Drains and disperses Wind Heat, resolves inflammation of the throat |
Bo He | Herba menthae (mint, aerial parts in flower) | Chases Wind Heat |
Lu Gen | Rhizoma phragmitis communis (rhizome de phragmite) | Expels Heat, Moistens Lungs |
High Liver | Radix glycyrrhizae uralensis (licorice root) | Fights Drought and Thirst |
Dan Zhu Ye | The herb of the gracilis (Aerial parts of Lopatherum gracile) | Clarifies Heat, dispels anxiety, diuretic |
On the shelves
The products of the following companies meet the Good Manufacturing Practices of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration, which are considered, at present, to be the highest standards in the world for the evaluation of manufacturing processes of products of the Chinese pharmacopoeia.
Health Canada has assigned a DIN (Drug Identification Number) to the following product, which certifies that it is free of contaminants, that it does not contain synthetic drugs and that the Traditional Chinese Pharmacopoeia recognizes its effectiveness for the uses described here.
Available in Chinese herbalists, many natural health product stores, as well as acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine distributors.