Yin and Yang in your home
The eastern symbol of yin and yang, meaning the harmony of two basic principles in the Universe, has not been seen in our time, perhaps only by a blind person. He is painted on cups, T-shirts, backpacks, and even pierced on himself as tattoos. Did you know that this meaningful picture is most directly related to the comfort in your home?
What are yin and yang?
Yin and yang are two principles to which Eastern philosophy refers to all the phenomena and objects of the world around us. Yin is a passive and cold beginning, it has the properties of restraint and attraction. Yang – the beginning is active and hot, has the properties of expansion and dispersion. From the point of view of Feng Shui, these two principles should be in perfect harmony wherever a person is engaged in his activities. It is in this case that it will develop ideally. Places with a severely disturbed balance of yin and yang are considered unfavorable or generally unsuitable for humans.
An example of the strongest preponderance of the beginning of the yang is hot deserts. The place where yin reigns supreme is the Antarctic glaciers. Both are not very suitable for human habitation. These are extreme options, but in everyday life we are constantly faced with the impact of both principles.
Around the house
Any building is affected by the environment, which changes the balance between yin and yang in one direction or another.
If a house stands next to a place that is symbolically associated with death or darkness: a cemetery, a hospital, a prison, or an empty lot where there was once a human habitation, it will experience too much yin. The same happens if the house is completely hidden behind tall trees and bushes. Their effects can be depressing. In this case, it will be difficult for you to lead an active, energetic life. If your home is located near high-voltage line poles, factories, or tall pipes, the yang force will increase dangerously. In this case, you may find that your life is racing much faster than you would like it to be.
To correct such situations, it is advisable to supplement the environment with something that will evoke associations opposite to the outweighing principle in order to restore the disturbed balance.
The oppressive effect of yin from neighboring buildings or the surrounding area can be significantly reduced by changing the position of the front door through which most of the external energy enters your home, so that objects associated with this beginning are not visible into it. If this is not possible, paint the door red and enhance the lighting above the porch; keep the light on at all times. Good colors for a fence or wall bordering a yin source are red and orange. Red ocher would be a good choice for roof painting in these circumstances.
If the problem is too strong an influence of yang, then it is obvious that you need to take measures of the opposite nature. If the main door cannot be moved away from a powerful yang source, or another door cannot be used as a front door, paint it dark blue and reduce the lighting power. Trees or tall shrubs will add shade, enhancing the yin influence. The best colors for a wall or fence bordering the yang source are black and blue. Akin to the beginning of yin and water, any body of water near your home will mitigate excessive yang activity.
In the living area
Here is a short list of phenomena and objects related to the beginnings of yin and yang in your home.
Dark colors
Light colors
Muted tones
Bright tones
Smooth curved lines
Straight lines and angles
Cushioned furniture
Cabinet furniture, office style furniture
Subdued lighting
Bright lighting
Dampness (cellars)
Dryness (attics, attics)
Low furniture (sofas)
Tall furniture (walls, cabinets)
Soft pillows
Wooden benches
Silence (bedroom, toilet)
Loud sound (kitchen, living room)
Coolness (windows, fans)
Heat (oven, radiators)
Immobility (heavy furniture)
Mobility (furniture on wheels)
Keep in mind that by changing the decor of the room (for example, pasting new wallpaper), you can inadvertently shift the balance between yin and yang in one direction or another. However, you can do this on purpose, in order to activate a beginning that is favorable for a given room.
Here are some tips on how to increase the presence of yin or yang in a room.
To add yin:
To add yang:
Due to innate characteristics, people have a different balance of yin and yang in their character traits. In a sociable, energetic, noisy person, the beginning of yang predominates. Such a person is in stark contrast to the quiet, shy, withdrawn person, who is dominated by the beginning of yin. A shy person will feel uncomfortable in a noisy, crowded place filled with yang energy, and vice versa. However, by gradually introducing into the environment the qualities that are opposite to those prevailing in the character of a person, you can achieve a beneficial effect: dispel despondency or calm violent emotions. The recipe is simple, like any wisdom, but remembering it when decorating your home, for sure, will not be superfluous.