yellow root

Useful properties and application of the yellow root

Description of the yellow root

yellow root is a small perennial plant. This magnificent herbaceous shrub from the Ranunculaceae family is very poisonous. It has a beautiful flower shoot and palmately dissected leaves. The foliage in the upper part is pubescent, and at the base of the plate they have a scaly structure. The lobes of the leaves are quite wide and pointed, with an impressive sharply serrated edge. As a rule, the plant bears one pink or white flower.

The horizontal rhizome of the plant at the break has a golden hue, and outside there are obvious traces of dead stems. The height of cylindrical stems reaches 30-40 cm. Solitary, flowers are decorated with a cup-shaped perianth, which includes three greenish-white leaves. The berry-shaped fruit attracts attention with a bright red range. He looks like a raspberry. A kind of combined drupe consists of very small fleshy fruitlets, each of which has no more than 2 seeds. The length of black shiny seeds does not exceed 3 mm.

On the strong peel of each seed, a special scar is pronounced. This plant blooms from the beginning of May, fruit ripening occurs in July. The yellow root can be found growing wild in vast forests on the vast Atlantic coast of North America.

Useful properties of the yellow root

The main active ingredients of hydrastis rhizomes are resins, alkaloids, phytosterol, and essential oil. An important effect of hydrastis on the human body is directly related to the powerful catarrh of the mucous membranes. Because the rhizomes contain hydrastine, canadine, and berberine, they are considered an excellent tonic. In addition, they are the basis for an excellent hemostatic drug.

It should be mentioned that the yellow root perfectly dilates the peripheral vessels, while simultaneously increasing the excitability of the entire central nervous system. It should be noted that the effect is also expressed on the vasomotor center in the medulla oblongata. Due to the narrowing of the vessels of the internal organs, the overall blood pressure rises.

Application of yellow root hydrastis

The main preparations of yellow root hydrastis are liquid extract and hydrastine hydrochloride. Various halogen preparations based on this plant are indicated for uterine bleeding. In homeopathy, various remedies are used for serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for chronic catarrhs, as well as for dangerous skin diseases and ailments of the glands.

In the gynecological area, the yellow root perfectly improves tone, selectively affecting the muscles of the uterus. This action is primarily due to the presence of a unique alkaloid hydrastine, due to which contractions increase and the blood vessels of the uterus narrow. Due to mechanical compression, uterine bleeding is quickly stopped.

Various homeopathic medicines are recommended for the treatment of any organs, in case of chronic catarrh of sensitive mucous membranes. With sinusitis, hydrastis is also indispensable. It is useful for ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea, weakness, jaundice and pain. It is often prescribed for gastralgia of hepatic origin, constipation, ulcers and various cancerous predispositions. The yellow root in a minimum amount of time is able to cope with a small cancerous tumor.

As a rule, homeopathic preparations based on hydrastis are indicated for people with pallor, thinness and weakness, which is due to chronic catarrh of the mucous membranes and the development of cancer cells. The dosage of the medicine directly depends on the severity of the particular disease. For constipation, low dilutions are recommended. To get rid of cancer, you can start treatment with the thirtieth dilution, gradually increasing to half a drop of tincture. For long-term external use, weak tinctures or highly diluted tinctures can be used.

Contraindications for yellow root hydrastis

Various cases of plant poisoning are not uncommon. In this case, you can observe abundant thick discharge and mucus. Many patients complain of severe headaches and malaise, dizziness and fainting. In some cases, skin reactions are possible in the form of the appearance of numerous pox-like pustules. In case of an overdose, women notice a negative effect on the mammary gland.

In the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal nature, the prescribed dosages of the drug should be strictly observed. Otherwise, constipation will easily turn into serious diarrheal conditions, due to the powerful relaxation of the rectum and a large flow of blood to the anus.

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