Among all varieties of plums, it is yellow plums that attract the attention of gardeners the most. And this is not at all surprising. Golden and bright fruits are pleasing to the eye, and such plums taste sweet, honey and a little sour. Such a fruit will decorate any table. Below we will discuss some popular varieties of yellow plum. Consider a detailed description of trees and fruits separately, as well as clarify the nuances regarding growth zones, certain options.
This variety was obtained by crossing Renklod Ullens and Early Red. The tree is of medium height. The krone forms an oval with average dense leaves. Shoots are painted dark brown. The leaves are rather large, oval-oblong in shape. The surface of the leaves is wrinkled without edging. Peduncles are formed on bouquet branches. The tree is self-fertile and does not require additional manipulations for pollination.
The fruits ripen in early August. Plums are greenish-yellow in color. There is practically no ventral seam. The shape of the fruit is round. On the sunny side, the peel takes on a pinkish hue, like Hopta. The pulp is fibrous, yellow, with medium juiciness and firmness. The fruits are quite large, weighing about 26 grams. This plum variety cannot be called honey, since the percentage of sugar is kept at 8%, and ascorbic acid – by 16%. Trees are susceptible to attack by codling moth and aphids. There is a weak resistance to fruit rot. The first harvest can be obtained approximately 6 years after planting the seedling. In general, the tree yields crops for about 20 years.
In general, about 1 kilograms of plums can be harvested from 15 tree. Frost resistance is low, so it is recommended to grow it in the Central District and the Moscow Region, but not in Siberia.
Tatar yellow
This variety was obtained as a result of free pollination of Renklod yellow. Trees grow medium tall with a wide oval crown. The foliage of the plant is medium. The bark on the trunk and main branches is brown. Shoots form a rather thin red-brown hue. The leaves are round-oval in shape. They are relatively small and matte. The flowers of the Tatar yellow are medium in size and completely white.
The fruits have a distinct honey-yellow color. The flesh is half grainy, juicy and sweet and sour. The skin is not very thick. On the surface of the plum, a medium white coating is noticeable. The weight of 1 fruit is about 15 grams. Taste qualities are excellent. Plum is suitable for fresh consumption and for making jams. Harvest begins to be collected at the end of August.
As for growing conditions, it is considered moderately frost-resistant, therefore it is suitable for cultivation in the Moscow region, the southern regions and the center. Plum Tatar yellow is not self-fertile. It is pollinated by varieties such as Tenkovskaya blue, Sineglazka, Renklod Tenkovsky. One of the main disadvantages is the low level of resistance to diseases and pests.
Video “Growing yellow plum”
Early Loshitskaya
Differs in high winter hardiness. It, as well as Khopty, can be safely grown in the Moscow region and in the more severe conditions of Siberia. The plum is not self-fertile. Other plums are required for pollination. Blooms quite late. Forms a triangular crown. The fruits grow large up to 35 grams. The pulp is soft, very juicy and separates well from the stone.
The surface of the fruit is colored greenish-yellow. On some fruits, a blush is noticeable. The taste is sour-sweet with a pleasant honey tinge. By the name you can understand that the fruits ripen early. They are perfectly kept on the branches. From 1 tree in peak years, you can harvest up to 30 kilograms of crops. Plum begins to bear fruit already at 4-5 years.
Ochakiv yellow
Ochakovskaya yellow is one of the oldest varieties in Our Country. Trees grow to medium size. On the branches are formed rich green leaves of an elliptical shape. Flowers appear quite late, so sometimes the harvest can not wait due to the lack of pollinators. For pollination, trees of other varieties are needed, for example, Renklod Ulena or Greenklod Green. In the Moscow region, Ochakov yellow is not common. More often this plum can be found in areas adjacent to the Baltic region.
Ochakovskaya yellow has medium fruits weighing up to 30 grams. Plums are unevenly colored from pale green to deep yellow. The fruit has an oval shape. The pulp is very juicy and has a sweet honey taste. Ochakovskaya yellow is considered one of the most fruitful. With a suitable climate and proper care, 1 adult tree can produce from 40 to 80 kilograms of fruit. You need to harvest at the end of August. Ripe fruits quickly crumble and crack in rainy weather.
Video “Yellow plum varieties”
The video shows some varieties of yellow plums that are the least whimsical to care for and give an impressive harvest.