Yellow peas: planting
It is not for nothing that yellow peas are considered the favorite crop of all gardeners. This plant has an unpretentious nature, and its cultivation does not take much time and effort. And if you pay a little attention to him, he will surely respond with a rich harvest of tasty and healthy beans.
Preparing the soil and seeds of yellow peas
As a rule, the crop is sown in early spring. But the soil for it should be prepared in the fall. To do this, dig up the soil to the depth of a bayonet and add 4-6 kg of humus or compost for each square meter. In addition, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with 15-20 g of potassium salt and 40 g of superphosphate. In the spring, during loosening, it is advisable to add wood ash to the soil.
Yellow peas, like all legumes, are able to enrich the soil with nitrogen.
Experienced gardeners are advised to hold peas before planting in a warm solution of micronutrient fertilizers. Thus, its vitality is significantly improved.
To increase the germination of seeds, it is advisable to properly prepare them. To do this, fill the planting material with water at room temperature. The seeds are “infused” for about 12-18 hours, while every 3-4 hours you need to change the water. It will be useful to hold the peas in the growth regulator. This procedure should take about 2-3 hours.
Planting yellow pea seeds
The culture is unpretentious in the choice of soil and takes root well in all types: loam, sandy loam, etc. The only thing that the plant does not like is the close occurrence of groundwater. In addition, if the soil is highly acidic, then it is worth pre-treating it with lime. To do this, add 1 sq. m. soil for 300-400 g of substance. For peas, it is better to choose a sunny place, but it takes root in partial shade. It is often grown near the apple tree trunk circle.
As a rule, pea seeds are planted before the end of May with a break of 10 days. This makes it possible to harvest several crops per season.
Sowing should be carried out at the end of April, and it is best to start work in the early morning. For peas, grooves are dug out with a depth of 3-4 cm. A distance of 5-6 cm should be kept between each seed. The distance between the rows should be 15-20 cm. The peas are planted in already moistened soil, and after planting it is advisable to cover the soil with a film. This will protect the seeds not only from accidental frost, but also from birds.
Harvesting a rich harvest of yellow peas will not be difficult. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of planting and caring for the plant. And then it will surely answer you with gratitude.