Yellow onion Turbo: variety description, photos, reviews

Onion Turbo is a variety of Dutch selection that appeared in Our Country and has established itself as a high-yielding, unpretentious. It has a pleasant taste, it is used in salads and other dishes. It is unpretentious to the conditions, so it can be grown in all regions of Our Country.

Description and characteristics of onion varieties Turbo

Onion Turbo is a Dutch variety bred by SEED SUPPLY BV (Gelderland). Culture spread throughout Europe, came to Our Country. Included in the register of breeding achievements in 2015, approved for cultivation in all regions.


The bulbs of the Turbo variety have a classic rounded shape, the average weight is 120-140 g, less often it reaches 200 g. The scales are brown, quite bright in color. The number of dry scales is three, followed by juicy ones. Neck of small thickness.

Emerald green, dense arrows, average height – 30-35 cm. A wax coating is visible on the surface, protecting tissues from frost and damage. The plant is a biennial crop. During the first year, yellow seedlings are grown, which practically does not increase in size, giving all the strength of greenery. In the second year, a turnip grows.

Yellow onion Turbo: variety description, photos, reviews

Onion husk Turbo bright golden hue

Ripening time and yield

Onion Turbo refers to medium (mid-season) crops. At the same time, ripening is slow, so the crop is harvested closer to the end of September – the beginning of October (subject to standard planting dates). The main criterion is that the greenery begins to dry out en masse.

The maturity of root crops on the eve of harvesting is 77%, after the end of ripening – 97%. Average keeping quality – 4-5 months, good transportability. Storage conditions are standard: temperature 2-5 degrees Celsius, dark place, humidity – up to 70%.

The yield of the variety is 5-8,5 kg per square meter, with industrial cultivation – 250-340 kg / ha. The maximum indicator – 661 kg / ha was registered in the Moscow region. Marketable yield at 20 q/ha compared to the onion variety standard Stuttgarter Riesen.

Disease and pest resistance

Medium resistance to diseases and pests. This onion variety can suffer from fungal, bacterial infections, as well as from insects (onion fly, moth, thrips, and others). Therefore, preventive treatments are carried out at the beginning of the season. Turbo onion plantings are periodically inspected and, if necessary, sprayed with solutions (folk remedies, fungicides, insecticides).

Composition and Properties

Turbo onion flesh is pure white, juicy. The taste is semi-sharp, the aroma is pleasant. The composition contains vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances:

  • vitamins C, E, PP, group B;
  • phytoncides;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins;
  • macro- and microelements (potassium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur and others).


Due to its moderately spicy taste, Turbo onions are used fresh (in salads, appetizers), in various dishes and preparations. Since the bulbs are stored for no more than four months, it is better to send them immediately for pickling and pickling.

Growing regions

Onion Turbo is unpretentious, so it can be grown in regions with different climatic conditions:

  • middle lane;
  • the Volga region;
  • Chernozem region;
  • The Urals;
  • Western and Eastern Siberia;
  • Far East.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the Turbo bow is good consumer qualities. Bulbs of convenient size, attractive appearance, have a pleasant taste with moderate pungency. In the climatic conditions of Our Country, they may not have time to fully ripen, so it is impossible to delay the timing of planting.

Yellow onion Turbo: variety description, photos, reviews

Bulbs of the Turbo variety have the correct rounded shape and convenient sizes.


  • high yield;
  • good taste;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • moderate winter hardiness;
  • transportability;
  • excellent germination in the second year.


  • average keeping quality;
  • long period of maturation;
  • if the bulb is not ripe, it may rot;
  • low immunity to pests.

When to plant Turbo onions

The timing of planting Turbo onions depends on the method of cultivation (seeds, sevkom), as well as on the climatic conditions of the region. The frost resistance of this crop is average, and the rate of maturation is slow. Therefore, when choosing dates, it is recommended to focus on such periods:

  1. Seeds are planted in open ground in the first half of May, when the soil warms up to a temperature of at least 10 degrees. You can check by burying the thermometer in the ground for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Sevok in open ground is also sown until mid-May.
  3. In the case of winter sowing, they are planted in the first half of October (the air temperature is not higher than 5 degrees Celsius).

Methods for planting Turbo onions

Onion Turbo can be grown in several ways:

  • from seeds (for turnips and greens);
  • from sevka (on a turnip);
  • from sevka (for greens, winter sowing).

Growing onion Turbo from seeds

A week before planting, Turbo onion seeds need to be prepared by following several steps:

  • hold for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • place for several hours in warm water;
  • let dry at room temperature;
  • stand for several hours in a growth stimulant solution (“Kornevin,” Epin “);
  • wrap in gauze, put on a saucer with water and hold for a week at room temperature.

The landing site should be open and protected from the winds, without stagnant moisture (lowlands are excluded). The soil is fertile, light (loam or sandy loam). If the soil is depleted, it must be fertilized when digging, covering up a complex mineral (40 g per 1 m2) or organic fertilizer (compost, humus in the amount of 5 kg per 1 m2).

Before planting, several furrows are marked with a depth of 2 cm at a distance of 10 cm. Then the seeds are planted at intervals of 10 cm, sprinkled with soil and watered a little.

Yellow onion Turbo: variety description, photos, reviews

Seeds and sets are planted to a depth of 2 cm

Sowing sevka in spring

Soil preparation before planting Turbo onion sets is exactly the same. At the same time, the sevok itself also needs to be processed. Select healthy seed without damage. The bulbs are heated for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 45 degrees.

Then pickle in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide for half an hour. Spread in one layer and leave to dry at room temperature. The planting pattern is similar – depth 2 cm, interval 10 cm, distance between furrows 50 cm.

Planting onions Turbo before winter

Planting before winter begins in October, when in the daytime the temperature does not rise above 5 degrees Celsius. The site is cleaned, the soil is dug up and fertilized. The sevok is prepared as described above, and planted in the same way.

Attention! It is not recommended to plant Turbo onions too early. Sevok can start growing and shoot an arrow.

Turbo onion care

Bow Turbo does not require special care. Basic rules of agricultural technology:

  1. Moderate watering – the surface of the soil should have time to dry out. In drought, watering should be increased (at least once a week). Three weeks before the harvest, water is no longer given, even if there is no rain.
  2. After each watering or heavy rain, the soil must be loosened. Thanks to this, the roots will receive enough oxygen.
  3. Top dressing is enough to make twice a season. When the feathers grow up to 10 cm, they give organic matter (mullein, humates), and after another three weeks – a complex fertilizer (30-40 g per 10 l of water per 1 m2 landings).
  4. In two weeks, weed grass will appear – from that moment on, regular weeding is done. To keep weeds as small as possible, plantings are mulched with straw, mowed grass or sawdust.
  5. If necessary, onions are treated for fungal infections and pests.

Fighting diseases and pests

The Turbo variety is not highly resistant to diseases, so prevention must be observed:

  • do not abuse watering;
  • periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds;
  • observe the rules of crop rotation (do not grow in the same place for more than four years in a row).
Yellow onion Turbo: variety description, photos, reviews

So that the onion does not suffer from diseases, the sevok is pickled in potassium permanganate before planting

If signs of damage are found (bacterial, gray, fusarium rot, downy mildew), it is necessary to treat with folk remedies:

  • infusion of wood ash;
  • decoction of onion peel;
  • whey solution.

You can also use fungicides – Alirin, Fitosporin, Skor, Tattu and others. If insects are found (onion fly, moth, thrips, tick), also spray Turbo onion plantings using folk remedies. In extreme cases, you can use insecticides – “Fitoverm”, “Match”, “Karate”, “Inta-Vir”, “Decis” and others.

Attention! Turbo onion greens can accumulate chemicals. Therefore, after using the drugs, you should wait a few days, after which you can harvest.


Turbo onions are grown in all regions of Our Country. It is undemanding to care, although it matures slowly. Therefore, landing should be planned no later than mid-May. The yield is good and the appearance is attractive. You can cultivate a culture both in personal and in farms.

Reviews of gardeners about onion Turbo

Popova Galina, 56 years old, Samara
I planted Turbo onions last year from seeds. They are small, but they rise together. Good greens have grown, now we are waiting for a turnip. According to agricultural technology, nothing special – feed and water a couple of times if there is no rain. So, although the variety is Dutch, it can also be grown in Our Country.
Kamenskaya Veronika, 54 years old, Khabarovsk
I liked the Turbo Bow because it has all the turnips one to one – beautiful, not too small, but not large either. Regarding cultivation: everything turned out to be very simple, even a beginner can handle it. Only there is a nuance: the seeds must be planted to a depth of 2 cm. If the planting is very shallow, the heads will be on the surface, they can rot, and if it is very deep, they will not sprout.
Onion vegetable Turbo (turbo turbo) 🌿 vegetable onion Turbo review: how to plant, onion sets and garlic Turbo onion

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