Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Among the wide variety of ornamental plants, a special place is occupied by the yellow vesicle, valued by gardeners for its unpretentiousness and beautiful appearance. This plant has a spherical dense crown of sprawling branches with large leaves forming a “fluffy cape”. The culture belongs to perennial deciduous shrubs. The description of the variety indicates that the yellow vesicle is unpretentious and does not require special conditions for planting and care. The shrub grows well in temperate and northern latitudes in sunny areas.

Varieties of vesicle with yellow leaves

There are many decorative varieties of yellow vesicle, which differ in the shape and color of the leaves, in size.

Varieties of the vesicle of the viburnum. Overview of varieties, planting and care.

Darts Gold

The yellow vesicle Darts Gold (pictured) was bred in Holland and is a hybrid of the Nanus and Lueus varieties. The shrub grows up to 1,5 meters in height and is covered with dense and evenly pale yellow foliage. When blooming, the leaves are orange-yellow in color, in summer they are green, and in autumn they acquire a yellowish-red hue. In June, the culture is covered with cream flowers. The vesicle of this variety is not demanding on soils and tolerates pruning, therefore it is actively used for hedges, both singly and in mixed perennial compositions.

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Luteus (Aureus)

The yellow vesicle Luteus (Aureus) (pictured) is a fast-growing seedling, reaching 3-3,5 m in height and up to 4 m in width. When blooming, the leaves have orange-yellow foliage that turns green in summer, turning bronze in autumn. The variety is not picky about soil and sun, resistant to diseases and pests, frost-resistant. It is used to create compositions, in single plantings and in hedges.

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Gold Spirit

Gold Spirit is a shrub reaching a height of 2 m. The leaves are golden yellow throughout the season. Handles shearing well.

A photo of the vesicle of the golden viburnum Gold Spirit is presented below.

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Amber Jubilee

Amber Jubilee is an unusually bright, colorful and compact shrub, reaching 2 m in height and 1,5 m in width. The leaves at the edges of the branches are red-orange, and closer to the crown they acquire a yellowish-green hue with many transitions. It looks especially beautiful when planted in the sun. If the culture grows in the shade, the foliage loses color intensity. The variety is frost-resistant. Used in hedges, either alone or in combination with other perennial shrubs.

Angel Gold

Angel Gold is a sprawling shrub up to 2 meters high. The leaves are the same shape as those of the Diablo variety. When blooming, the leaves are yellow, later turning a little green, and by autumn again acquiring a yellow color. The flowers of the shrub are white.

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo


Variety Nugget was bred in the USA. The shrub grows up to 2,5 m in height. The leaves are bright yellow at the beginning of blooming, turn a little green by mid-summer, and turn yellow again by autumn. The flowers are creamy white with pinkish stamens.

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Golden Nugget

The variety is characterized by intensely changing leaf color throughout the season. It grows up to 2 m in height and up to 2 m in diameter. Leaves are golden yellow in spring, turn green in summer, and turn yellow again in autumn. The flowers of the shrub are pinkish-white with a light, pleasant aroma. It grows well both in the sun and in shaded places (only the color of the leaves changes to green).

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Bubble golden in landscape design

Yellow viburnum vesicle has been used in Our Country as an ornamental plant since the middle of the XNUMXth century and is widely used for landscape design: hedges, for dividing a site into zones, as well as for decorating borders. Looks great both in single and in group plantings.

Due to the fact that the yellow vesicle tolerates gas pollution well, it can often be found in city squares and parks. Even close to the road, the bush will grow well and create protection from exhaust gases and dust.

Due to the fact that the shrub perfectly tolerates pruning, it is possible to give any shape (cylinder, ball, line).

Yellow vesicle can be grown both in the sun and in partial shade or shade. To make varieties of shrubs with golden, yellow and purple leaves look bright and beautiful, they are recommended to be planted in places lit by the sun.

When forming hedges, varieties with red (lilac) and golden (yellow) leaves are well combined. And purple varieties will be an excellent backdrop for light perennial shrubs.

The yellow vesicle next to coniferous shrubs, such as thuja and juniper, looks original.

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

For example, greenish-yellow Darts Gold would look great with burgundy-bronze Red Baron, or golden Nugget with purple Diablo Door. These compositions can be planted in alternating colors or parallel to each other.

For fencing a playground or separating a garden from a local area, varieties of a low yellow vesicle such as Amber Jubilee or Darts Gold are perfect.

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Planting and caring for the yellow vesicle

The yellow vesicle is quite unpretentious, but there are some nuances of planting and caring for it. The duration of the vegetative period in this shrub reaches 40 years. With proper care, a seedling grows 40 cm in length and width in one year.

Site preparation

Like most plants, the yellow vesicle likes well-lit places, away from large trees. If it is planted in a semi-shaded or shaded place, then the color of the leaves acquires a green tint.

The vesicle grows well on fertile, drained loamy soils with slightly acidic or neutral acidity.

It can be planted near roads, because the shrub can withstand air pollution and this is one of the advantages.

A shrub is planted in early autumn or early spring. If the seedlings have a closed root system, planting can be done at any time of the year (except winter).

For planting a yellow vesicle, there are only two conditions for the soil – this is the presence of good drainage and the absence of lime in it.

In order for the earth to have time to settle, it is necessary to prepare a hole 0,5 m wide two weeks before planting and add a mixture of garden soil to it: soddy soil, sand and peat, in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Instead of peat, you can use humus.

Rules of landing

For planting a yellow vesicle, it is recommended to purchase strong shrub seedlings with a closed root system in specialized organizations.

Advice! The original color of the leaves is not transmitted when planting seeds, so this method of reproduction is not recommended.

The seedling is carefully removed from the container so as not to damage the root ball, placed in a prepared hole, deepening the seedling by 5 cm (this will make it possible to release additional shoots).

The pit is filled with fertile soil, after which it is watered with Kornevin’s solution. When the solution leaves the surface of the earth, the place around the seedling is mulched so that a surface crust does not form and the roots receive the necessary amount of air.

For a hedge, you need to plant shrubs in a checkerboard pattern in two rows. The distance between rows must be maintained 35 cm, and in a row 45 cm.

🌼 Bubble bush shrub – planting and care: pruning and propagation, types and varieties

Watering and top dressing

The frequency of watering the yellow vesicle depends on many factors: the age of the shrub, the type of soil, and climatic conditions.

In hot climates, the shrub takes root well on light loamy soils. Watering is necessary regular from late spring to early autumn. An adult shrub is watered twice a week using 40 liters of water. Watering the shrub is carried out directly under the plant in the morning or in the evening (after sunset).

Important! You need to water under the base of the bush, avoiding contact with leaves and inflorescences.

If the yellow vesicle is not mulched, then you need to loosen the soil after watering.

When growing shrubs on lawns or on clay soil, there is a danger of waterlogging and infection with powdery mildew.

In early spring and late autumn, you need to feed the vesicle. If the shrub grows on fertile soil, then additional fertilizer is not necessary. 2-3 years after planting, the culture is fed twice a year. In early spring, fertilize with a solution of mullein. For 10 liters of water, 0,5 liters of mullein, 15 g of carbamide (urea) or 20 g of ammonium nitrate (calculation per bush) will be required. Under a ten-year-old yellow vesicle, 15 liters of nutrient solution will be needed.

In autumn, they are fed with a solution of nitroammophoska at the rate of 30 g per 10 liters of water. Under each bush contribute 10-15 liters of solution.


The yellow vesicle is cut for sanitary purposes and to form a beautiful bush. Sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring: dried, frozen and growing branches are removed.

Formative pruning can be done in the spring, after flowering, or in the fall, after the growing season has stopped.

There are two trim options:

  • to get a powerful and wide shrub with a large number of trunks, pruning is carried out at a height of 0,5 m from the soil and half of the entire growth length is removed;
  • in the second option, all thin shoots are cut off at the base of the bush, leaving up to 5 pieces of the most powerful.

Hedge trimming should be done several times during the growing season. The first procedure is carried out in early spring before the start of the phase of active bud break.

Once every five years, the plant needs rejuvenating pruning, which consists in getting rid of all old shoots to the very base. After this procedure, all thick shoots are treated with garden pitch.

Trimming shrubs Trimming the vesicle

Preparation for winter

The yellow vesicle has excellent frost resistance, so an adult shrub can winter without shelter. Young seedlings, which were pruned and fertilized in the fall, are covered with spruce branches.

If a frosty winter is expected, then the vesicle is carefully pulled together with twine and insulated with a roofing felt cap.


The yellow vesicle propagates in several ways: by seeds, dividing the bush, layering and cuttings.

Breed division multiplication

Experienced gardeners say that dividing a bush is the easiest way. The procedure is carried out in spring or autumn. For this, an adult shrub is dug up and divided into parts so that each of them contains a root system and several shoots. So that the root system does not have time to dry, it is recommended to immediately plant the resulting bushes in pre-prepared pits.

Reproduction by seeds

When propagated by seed, the shrub will have classic characteristics, without repeating the decorative features of the mother plant.

For a month, the seeds are kept at a certain temperature (stratified). Then planted in open ground. When the seedlings grow a little, they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Reproduction by layers

Propagation of the yellow vesicle by layering has shown good results and is widely used by gardeners.

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

This procedure is carried out at the beginning of spring, so that the layering takes root before the onset of winter. For layering, choose a healthy, strong shoot that grows outward. Remove all leaves except those at the top. The shoot is placed in a hole 15 cm deep and pinned to the ground with a wooden bracket.

At the end of autumn, the young cuttings are separated from the mother plant and prepared for winter as described above.

You can use another method. To do this, bend the lower branch to the ground, fix it with a slingshot and prop up the top. The final transplant is carried out only next spring.

Propagation by cuttings

When propagating the yellow vesicle by cuttings, young green shoots that have grown in the current year are used. In the spring, before flowering, shoots 10-20 cm long with 3-4 buds are selected and cut at an angle of 45 °, the lower leaves are removed. Separated shoots are soaked for a day in a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin, which promotes root formation. Then they are planted in a sand substrate with peat or simply in river sand. Water the cuttings and cover with polyethylene. If there are few cuttings, you can use plastic bottles without a neck for shelter.

Yellow-leaved vesicle: description and photo

Further care consists in timely moistening of the soil and systematic ventilation. Rooted cuttings are covered before the onset of winter. In spring, cuttings can be planted in a permanent place.

Cuttings of the vesicle

Diseases and pests

The yellow vesicle is resistant to diseases and pests. Since the shrub does not like waterlogging, with excessive water application, powdery mildew may develop, which leads to the death of the seedling.

Due to a lack of nutrients (iron, magnesium), chlorosis may develop, which is characterized by yellowing and drying of young shoots unusual for the variety. To get rid of the problem, it is enough to spray the plant with iron and manganese preparations (Antichlorosis, Chelat, Ferrilen, Ferovit) under the root.


The yellow vesicle is an unpretentious shrub that will decorate the garden from spring to late autumn. It will be an element of landscape design that allows you to give the site a well-groomed appearance.

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