Yellow daylily is an amazing flower with bright inflorescences. Latin sounds like Hemerocallis. The name of the plant comes from two Greek words – beauty (kallos) and day (hemera). It displays the peculiarity of the yellow daylily, which pleases with flowering for only one day. There are a lot of varieties, so gardeners have no difficulty in choosing the right shade. It tolerates frost and wind well, which caused the plant to spread throughout the Federation.

Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

The bright color of the daylily, even on a cloudy day, will create a good mood.

Description of yellow daylily

Regardless of which yellow variety it is decided to plant on the site, the gardener will receive a plant with a number of advantages:

  1. Long flowering. The perennial continuously releases yellow buds, a new one blooms to replace the faded flower. In the people for this feature, the daylily is called the red day.
  2. Unpretentiousness to growing conditions and care.
  3. Preservation of attractiveness for a long time, a combination of different shades of foliage.
  4. The ability to grow in the shade.
  5. A huge variety of species with different shapes and shades of yellow flowers. Currently, more than 100 plant species are known.

Yellow early daylily begins flowering in early June. Some modern varieties can please their owners with flowers as early as the end of April.

Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

A flowering bush immediately attracts attention, they can decorate a problem area

The duration of flowering is more than 2 months. If the summer is characterized by low temperatures and high humidity, then flowering is more abundant and prolonged. In appearance, the plant resembles a bush about 1 m high.

Daylily leaves are very beautiful – xiphoid, narrow, curved. Peduncles strong, without foliage. May be straight or branched. Inflorescences consist of 5-10 flowers of yellow or lemon color.

The shape of the flower is like an elongated tube. The aroma is pronounced, pleasant. He loves moisture and warmth very much, does not tolerate winters with little snow and the presence of lime in the soil. To prolong the flowering period, you need to timely remove faded flower stalks.

Natural yellow daylily varieties are distributed throughout the middle zone, the Far East, and Siberia. Among modern breeding species, there are re-flowering varieties of yellow daylily. After the end of the first wave of flowering, they throw out new flower stalks. Repair types include:

  • Irisistable Charm (IrresistibleCharm);
    Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

    The main feature of the species is the red edging of yellow petals.

  • Golden Star;
    Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

    The flower bush looks very voluminous and gives the site some charm.

  • Happy Returns;
    Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

    This variety really needs good care and warm summers.

Varieties of yellow daylily

Any variety is attractive, its iridescent color cheers up, decorates even the shady corners of the garden. In addition, yellow varieties have a persistent fragrant aroma, which is superior to other types of shades. Among the yellow daylilies there are stunted or tall representatives, curbs. The main differences concern:

  • flower shape;
  • the beginning and duration of flowering;
  • plant size.

The most common are brown-yellow, yellow and lemon yellow.

Daylily Yellow

Latin sounds like Hemerocállis lílioas phodélus. A beautiful perennial with peduncles up to 1 m high. It blooms in the second half of summer, from mid-July to the end of August. Some varieties bloom in late May. The flowers are funnel-shaped, can have different shades – yellow, golden, orange. One yellow inflorescence consists of 5-8 large flowers. The leaves are long (75 cm), narrow, green. There are undersized types, even dwarf, tall ones, such a yellow daylily is planted as a border decoration.

Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

Juicy color distinguishes yellow daylily from its counterparts

Daylily lemon yellow

The name of the daylily in Latin is Hemerocállis citrina. Height about 1 m, fleshy root system. Numerous lily-shaped leaves, length from 50 cm to 130 cm. Peduncles protrude slightly above the foliage, branched in the upper part. Branched inflorescence, large and fragrant yellow-lemon flowers. They open in the afternoon, towards evening. It belongs to the rare species of night-blooming daylilies and is found naturally in China. Blooms from mid-May to late June. The leaves begin to die off before the onset of frost.

Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

The presence of a lemon shade makes the daylily more tender.

Daylily brown-yellow

The Latin name is Hemerocallis fulva. The most common yellow species in latitudes. It is called the “calling card” of daylilies on the territory of the Federation. Most often found in the Caucasus. The leaves are dark green, linear, slightly curved. The width of the leaves is from 1,5 cm to 3 cm. The daylily bush is stable and strong, up to 1 m high. The shoots are creeping, underground. Peduncles are much higher than the leaves, branched in the upper part. Brick-colored flowers. It grows well in the shade, easily tolerates transplantation. There are many terry varieties of the variety. It blooms at the end of June, the duration of flowering is 2 months.

The inflorescence consists of 6-12 large, broadly funnel-shaped flowers. The diameter of one is up to 10 cm. Likes good lighting. The brown-yellow daylily is not demanding on the composition of the soil, but it grows better on slightly acidic drained soil. Soil moisture should be monitored, the species does not tolerate stagnant water at all.

Attention! Stores moisture in the roots, so watering is needed only in dry times.
Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

Brown-yellow daylily gives a more saturated color to any composition

Middendorf’s Dwarf Yellow Daylily

The Latin name is Hemerocallis middendorfii. This daylily is a low-growing yellow, its bush height does not exceed 60 cm. Flowering begins in May and continues until the end of June. May re-bloom in autumn. On the territory of the Federation it is found in the Amur, the Far East, in Manchuria.

It settles in glades, meadow slopes, glades of deciduous plantings, grows in thickets of shrubs. The rhizome is thick oblique with fragile lobes. The leaves are drooping narrow (about 1,8 cm). Peduncles higher than leaves, their size is 80 cm. Apical inflorescences, bright orange flowers with an unpleasant odor. The diameter of each is 11 cm, length 9 cm. The duration of flowering of the yellow variety is 20 days, it can bloom again in autumn days. Winter-hardy, tested in Altai.

Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

Dwarf varieties are very much appreciated for the ability to create a curb fence.

Yellow daylily in landscape design

Designers often use yellow daylily when creating projects. It fits perfectly into tree and shrub compositions. Looks good near ponds, in a rose garden or on a lawn. A rich tint palette of yellow creates a unique spectacle in any combination – with cereals, other daylilies, perennials or annuals.

Recommendations for gardeners:

  1. A daylily of yellow shades near a bench or gazebo looks very impressive. For a recreation area, it creates a relaxing and at the same time cheerful mood. Many believe that culture wins even before the rose garden.
  2. Low-growing yellow varieties fit perfectly into the design of a rock garden or slide.
  3. If the fence or wall is painted dark, then the yellow daylily inflorescences will perfectly decorate them. The same can be said about red brick masonry.
  4. An excellent solution for border decoration of paths and garden paths, for example, yellow terry daylily.

You can plant a daylily in group plantings or singly. In any case, it will look advantageous.

Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

Even a minimal number of plants in the presence of a yellow daylily looks like a spectacular composition.

Important! The height of the view must be taken into account in order to place it on the appropriate plan.

Planting and care

The unpretentiousness of the yellow daylily is known to many gardeners. The plant does not require special growing conditions and complex care. However, he still has preferences. The developed powerful root system of the bush quickly forms shoots, so the daylily successfully suppresses the growth of weeds on the site. A yellow perennial grows in one place up to 10 years.

In order for the landing process to go smoothly, some nuances should be taken into account.

The soil can be any, but heavy and with a minimum amount of clay. In sandy soil, plants are not at all comfortable, they do not have enough moisture. The main wishes of the culture are deep digging, enough humus. The daylily needs a lot of nutrients. Compost, sand, peat must be added to poor soil.

The place for the yellow daylily is chosen sunny, with partial shade at noon.

Boarding times are quite flexible. Rhizomes can be planted in the spring after the snow thaws, usually March-April. August is also considered a good period. Transplanting and seating the plant perfectly tolerates the whole season. The main thing is to finish 1 month before the onset of cold weather.

Important! The culture is growing rapidly, this must be taken into account when choosing a place.

Landing algorithm:

  1. Dig a hole. The depth is at least 35 cm. This will be enough to bring in nutrients – humus, peat, sand, potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. Leave a distance of at least 70 cm between plants.
  2. Prepare yellow daylily rhizomes. Clean off the ground, rinse with water. Remove damaged dried parts. If the roots are dry, soak them for 2-3 hours in a clay mash.
    Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

    Rhizomes before planting are subject to careful inspection and cleaning.

  3. Pour the nutrient mixture into the hole.
  4. Lay the rhizome at a depth of 3-4 cm, sprinkle with garden soil. Leave the root neck at ground level, this is very important. Excessive deepening will negatively affect the development of the bush.
  5. Water the plant, mulch the near-stem area with wood chips or dry peat.

Further care for the yellow daylily is within the power of even the most inexperienced gardeners.

Daylily bright yellow does not like superficial and frequent irrigation. It needs to be watered during dry periods and only under the root 1-2 times a week. Water should not get on the flower petals.

Top dressing before the appearance of young leaves is not needed. Then it is enough to apply a nitrogen-based mineral fertilizer in the spring. It must be scattered dry around the bush, then embedded in the ground and watered abundantly. The phosphorus-potassium mixture is applied in the summer 30 days after the end of flowering. Plants need to be fed twice a year. Regularly, you will have to slightly increase the amount of nutrients due to the active growth of the yellow daylily.

Culture needs pruning. This event includes the removal of flower shoots with faded inflorescences and autumn pruning of the aerial part of the bush at a height of 10 cm from the ground.

The most optimal materials for mulching are crushed bark, wood chips, dry peat. At the base of the shoot, you need to leave some free land for the growth of new ones. When fertilizers are applied, the mulch must be pushed back, then returned to its place.

Yellow daylily: photo, varieties, planting and care

Mulching is the surest way to retain moisture.

Important! Do not use fresh sawdust.

Plants that go into dormancy should be pruned and covered in the fall.

Daylilies – planting and care – good advice.


Yellow daylily decorates the site very much. Even 2-3 plants are enough to give any composition cheerfulness. It is enough to properly plant a daylily and give it a little attention.

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