Yellow-brown moss mushroom: description and photo

Moss mushrooms of different types are popular representatives of the forest kingdom, from which many nutritious, tasty and healthy dishes with an amazing mushroom aroma are prepared. The yellow-brown flywheel grows in most regions, belongs to the Boletov family, the Maslyat genus. This mushroom reveals its taste qualities most fully in a pickled form.

What does a yellow-brown flywheel look like

Yellow-brown moss mushroom: description and photo

According to the description, the yellow-brown flywheel (other names are motley oiler, sandy or marsh flywheel, swamp) at a young age has a gray-orange cap color. As it matures, the color becomes brownish, with a red tint, and subsequently acquires light, ocher tones. Young fruiting bodies are distinguished by a semicircular cap, from 5 to 15 cm in diameter, the edges of which are bent down, and its surface in young individuals is pubescent, gradually cracking and covered with small scales, which are not observed, however, in old specimens. Often, with prolonged precipitation, mucus appears on the surface of the yellow-brown flywheel.

From below, the hat is completely dotted with tiny tubes that have grown to the stem. The color of the hymenophore is light orange, yellow, later dark olive. The solid leg of the fungus has a club-shaped or cylindrical shape, in some cases it can be curved. It grows up to 9 cm in height and 3,5 cm in thickness. The color of the legs is yellow, lemon, below – with a reddish tinge. Its surface is smooth; when broken in air, the flesh turns blue. The mushroom exudes the aroma of pine needles. The raw pulp is tasteless.

Yellow-brown moss mushroom: description and photo

Where does the yellow-brown flywheel grow?

Yellow-brown flywheels settle on sandy soils in mixed and coniferous forests. They are found throughout the western part of Our Country, in the Siberian and Caucasian regions. This mushroom is well known in European countries. You can also find it in damp, swampy places covered with wet moss: the taste of such representatives is in many ways inferior to the yellow-brown mossiness mushrooms growing in the forest. Motley butterflies love to settle in small groups on peat bogs, interspersed with heather. Alone, these mushrooms are much less common. They bear fruit from mid-summer (July) until the end of September.

Useful video about yellow-brown flywheels:

Delicious and fragrant. Flywheel yellow-brown.

Is it possible to eat yellow-brown flywheel

The sandy oiler is a category 3 edible mushroom. The taste of its quality is mediocre, but when marinated, they are fully revealed. Yellow-brown mushrooms are low-calorie, which allows them to be widely used in dietary nutrition. And vegetarians appreciate the high content of amino acids, comparable to meat, which makes these mushrooms a particularly valuable and healthy product. The composition also contains vitamins – A, C, PP and D. As for vitamin D, its content in mushrooms exceeds the amount of a similar substance in butter. Molybdenum is also of great benefit to human health, being a rare and valuable trace element, but available in sufficient quantities in yellow-brown flywheels.

Like all other mushrooms, yellow-brown mushrooms contain quinine in their composition, which makes them difficult to digest by the digestive organs. People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not recommended to abuse them, and in the stage of exacerbation of chronic diseases, they should be completely excluded from the diet. Mushroom dishes are contraindicated for children under the age of 3 years and the elderly. Food poisoning is threatened by eating mushrooms collected near highways or industrial enterprises, since they absorb all toxic substances.

Important! Yellow-brown mushrooms are considered natural antibiotics, as they have anti-inflammatory properties.

False doubles

You can confuse this mushroom:

  1. With edible flywheel velvet, the color of the cap of which is dark or red-brown, and the surface is velvety, even wrinkled in adulthood. The species grows in deciduous and mixed forests, preferring to settle under beeches, oaks or spruces in large groups.

    Yellow-brown moss mushroom: description and photo

  2. wood flywheel, the cap and leg of which have the same red-brown color, dense solid flesh. The fungus has no distinct odor and prefers to grow on stumps or sawdust-covered soil. Inedible. Rarely found in Our Country, more often in Europe, in mixed pine forests.

    Yellow-brown moss mushroom: description and photo

Collection rules

Mossiness mushrooms are collected in dry weather in mixed and coniferous forests, where pine tree species predominate. Fruiting bodies are cut off completely, bypassing overgrown, old specimens. Young ones, whose hat is no more than 5 cm in diameter, are best suited for preparing delicious culinary dishes.


In yellow-brown butterflies, the fruiting bodies are completely eaten. Both caps and legs have firm flesh that is great for marinating and frying. Having brought mushrooms from the forest, they immediately begin to clean and remove debris. The peel is very difficult to separate from the pulp, so it is not peeled, but washed thoroughly. Pre-fruiting bodies are boiled for 15 – 20 minutes. in salted water. Then they are pickled or fried with onions.

Recipe for classic pickled mushrooms.

Yellow-brown moss mushroom: description and photo


  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 1 st. l. vinegar essence;
  • 1 st. l. non-iodized salt;
  • spices – a few cloves of garlic, cloves, peppercorns, bay leaf.

Algorithm cooking:

  1. Too large fruit bodies are cut after preliminary cleaning.
  2. Boiled mushrooms are thrown into a colander so that all the water is glassed.
  3. A marinade is prepared from the indicated components (except for vinegar and garlic).
  4. Mushrooms are placed in the marinade, boiled for 5 minutes, vinegar is added.
  5. The mixture is packaged in sterilized jars, after putting a few cloves of garlic in each.
  6. Pour 1 tbsp on top. l. sunflower oil and cover with plastic lids.
  7. After cooling, they are cleaned on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the basement.

You can store variegated boletus in dried form. To do this, medium-sized specimens are strung on a thin thread and hung in a well-ventilated, sunny place for 20-30 days. Ready fruits do not break, they are distinguished by elasticity and strength. For winter use, variegated boletus can be frozen after boiling them in the above way. Prepared fruit bodies are placed in disposable containers and placed in a freezer.

Important! When pickling yellow-brown mushrooms, do not abuse spices that can kill the natural, unique aroma of mushrooms.


The yellow-brown flywheel or butterdish can hardly compete with mushrooms of the highest category in terms of taste. However, due to its widespread growth, it is quite popular with mushroom pickers, especially in the absence of other representatives in the forest. Very fragrant, with the smell of fresh pine needles and tasty when prepared correctly, the colorful butter dish perfectly diversifies the summer and winter table, will be a good help during dietary and vegetarian meals.

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